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I am trying to modify alerts assigned by default to admin user and master group to some other users/groups. I have found another thread where @Venu Kondabhathini  suggested using API.


I am trying to use JSON file from


But when I am trying to load this it gives me an error:
$body = Get-Content -Raw -Path $pathToJSON | ConvertFrom-Json

ConvertFrom-Json: Conversion from JSON failed with error: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: }. Path 'alertDetail.alertDetail.appTypeFilterList.appTypeFilterl0]._type_', line 15, position 16.

I am using Powershell.


Is anyone using this? Is this file broken?

Hi Robert,

Thank you for asking the question in the community.

The error shows that _type_ parameter in AppTypeFilter list is incorrect in Line 15.

The correct value for _type_ is 79 when used with applicationID 

Below are the applicationID



Valid value is 79 when the applicationId parameter is used, for example:

<appTypeFilter _type_ ="79" applicationId ="53"/>




This parameter is available for alert types that can be associated with agents. Filters the entities in the <associations> element.

Valid values are:

  • 53, for Exchange Database

  • 33, for File System

  • 104, for MySQL

  • 13, for NAS

  • 59, for Notes Database

  • 22, for Oracle

  • 80, for Oracle RAC

  • 125, for PostgreSQL

  • 79, for SAP for MAX DB

  • 61, for SAP for Oracle

  • 81, for SQL Server

  • 5, for Sybase Database

  • 29, UNIX File System

  • 106, Virtual Server




Could you please share the Json file with fields filled for further review.


Venu Kondabhathini

