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I want to work with VMUtilities in Workflows.

Therefore, I created a simple workflow to extract the vmGUID using RestAPI.



The the first step created 2 Variables, on with the name of the VM  and the other for my vShpere-Client:



As the first activity I use HttpClient to get the client details including the vmGUID



1. Solution:

In the next step I’m using the activity «PowerOn», insert the two variable and try to extract the vmGUID from previous output:


To extract the vmGUID, I used the example I found in documentation and changed it to suite my needs.





I get the following errors:

org.jdom2.input.JDOMParseException: Error on line 2: Element type "vm" must be followed by either attribute specifications, ">" or "/>".

VMOperationsHandler     : oPowerOn (PowerOn_1)] ERROR: failed to encode xml


2. Solution:

 Then I thought I could put these lines into the “OnStart Script” of “PowerOn” and just put the resulting variable vmGUID as input:





This time I get these errors:

groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: JSON for class: Script1

ProcessOnEnter          :



I have attached the exported workflow, just in case someone wants to have a look at it.


I just noticed the error.

Change the language of your script from Java to Javascript.

Christopher, thanks a ton for your help.

I tried the solution of your first answer and got errors during execution of the “OnStart Script” until I saw the wrong selection of the language.

Now it’s working as expected.

I’m so glad I have a solution now after spending so much time.

Once again, thank you.

For the “poweron” activity in the “onscript start” section add the following line

workflow.setLocalVariable("vmGUID", vmGUID)

and in the inputs section change vmGUID to 




Christopher, thanks a ton for your help.

I tried the solution of your first answer and got errors during execution of the “OnStart Script” until I saw the wrong selection of the language.

Now it’s working as expected.

I’m so glad I have a solution now after spending so much time.

Once again, thank you.

No problem.

