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We ran into a problem where the Linux Media Agent processes hung and showed duplicate processes.

We tried to stop them using “Commvault stop” and “systemctl stop commvault,” but with no luck.

We ended up rebooting the server, which solved the problem.


Commvault version: 11.32.42
Media Agent OS: Red Hat 8.9


What can cause this problem, and how can we resolve it without restarting the server?

Hello @Mike_M Ideally all the processes should be stopped after waiting for some time after running the commvault stop command. Sometimes it can take more than 10-15 minutes depending on the work being done by the processes. You can also check if there are any jobs running against this MA before stopping the services directly. It's not recommended to kill the processes forcefully on the MA since it can lead to corruption in the DB. 

How frequently you are facing this issue? Can you note down the time when it occurs and check the /var/log/messages for any information for the same time? 

Also, what’s the hardware specifications for this MA? You can also check if RAM and CPU utilizations are reaching 100%., if they are, you should consider increasing the resources. You can also try to segregate the schedules as well to avoid this behavior.  


Rajiv Singal

Just to clarify, in your first screen grabs - what are you defining as duplicate processes? Please explain your observations? So we can understand from your view point.
