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Hi All,

is it possible to exclude subclients without recent full or synfull backups from the Health Report, if the subclient has zero data.

I’ve got a couple of VM Group subclients, that do not discover any VMs.
Content is searching for Tags, that are currently not assigned to VMs.

as a result, I got a critical state in the Health Report which I have to ignore.

Better, if such content is not counted at all.
full and synfull schedules are in place for these subclients/VM groups, but as I said, end up with 0 bytes.


Hi @johanningk 


To remove Subclient from the report, we would need to disable Subclient from backups.



@Sandeep Kailashchander ,

Disabling backup, will disable discovery on the affected VM Groups.

As a result, I’d have to enable backup once I think, that the content rule might find something.

This is NOT an option, since it requires manual intervention in an automated setup / environment.
We are talking about VM Groups and not the VMs. Both, full and synfull backups, are scheduled and executed against the VM Groups, but do not find anything to backup (which is accepted behaviour).


@Sandeep Kailashchander,

Backup Job History for Jobs with zero bytes is cleaned / removed during daily data aging.
Therefore the information is only available for up to 24hrs.

This probably is the main reason for the SLA breach.
