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What about Hedvig now

  • 29 July 2023
  • 1 reply

Hey Guys!


Talking about high performance FC frontend storage. What happened to Hedvig? Is Hedvig now usable as front end storage over infiband? Can i get those high performance storage values with hedvig and use the combination of commvault, commvault DDB? I like the idea that the block, which i already have in my repository, can be “deleted”. In my world of expecation, i would see a HCI by CommVault, providing Backup Solutions, DR, and Frontend Data analyltics, archiving, optimization. 


But when i read the latest marketing slides, hedvig is off the grid. I like the idea of a fast storage from the backup side, as we already have all your data and all the insights.


But what are the current problems with hedvig? Why didn*t got that foucs from the sales side as other features? And why did commvault aquire hedvig? Because of…?

Hi @Fusi,

I’m having some difficulties to understand what kind of use-case you were trying to send across, but I interpreted it as the ability to use Hevig as HCI for both primary and secondary use-cases with a deep integration using Commvault allowing it to optimize the consumption of the primary ring as such that it automatically removes unused blocks from the primary?

You are indeed right that Hevig itself is off the grid see also this notice.

The technology that Hedvig brought to the game resulted in Hyperscale X and I think they have decided to stop selling it as a standalone product just because they decided to focus on their core-business  alone which led to the decision to stop selling Hedvig as a standalone product. 
