
Linux staging Commserve DB:admin password not resetted

  • 14 November 2022
  • 8 replies

Badge +5

We need to stage our customers databases. On CS on windows we use CSrecovery assistant and it it is easy. Staging A Commserve on Linux database I tried the document:

The staging works as described with one exception, admin password was not resetted. That means I cannot open commcell console

CSrecoveryassistant.log shows “skipping admin password update as per registry hook”

I setup a standard commserve installation on Linux with no modification in registry

What am I doing wrong.

Can you help?



Best answer by Mike Struening RETIRED 14 November 2022, 19:40

View original

8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +23

@Joerg thanks for the post!

I suspect this will require a support incident and deeper dive, though I have asked some of our SMEs for advice in case they have seen this before (I haven’t).

I’ll be in touch!

Userlevel 7
Badge +23

Our SMEs are great and responsive!

There’s a form ID to address this:


However, it won’t be out for a bit.  If you contact support and give them the form ID, they can get dev approval to add the registry key to get past this message until the fix is out.

Badge +5

Thanks for the fast answer. I will open an incident, with hint on the formid and will ask for a fix.

Userlevel 7
Badge +23

Send them this post link and the form ID and it should be sufficient.  the reg key is named on the form ID page 😎

Badge +5

Hello Mike,

Incident is 221115-503. Please see the case notes.

Userlevel 7
Badge +23

Thanks, @Joerg !  I sent the reg key details to the case owner.

Badge +5

Thanks @ Mike . We were able to test the key successfully. Thanks for your help.


Userlevel 7
Badge +23

My pleasure!!
