If it goes pending, don’t kill it’ see what the log files say (share them here) so we can troubleshoot.
You can always kill the aux copy and then run it again. It will pick up where it left off.
Yes, if that is a source tape you can mark it to not be copied.
I have marked problematic media right-click Prevent Copy, then Run Auxiliary Copy,
and job finally completed without any errors
Thank you again for your help!
Best regards, Elizabeta
When I killed job (Aux Copy which was 98% completed and status Pending) I have deleted content from new copied LTO7 tape. I don’t have possibility to click Re-copy for tapes from Storage policy I have tried Aux copy
I run Aux copy (before I have deleted old and created a new), and now job is 98% , status Pending ?? When I go to detail of the process I see nothing? In the Event Viewer I see error for a tape that is not covered by the backup period (which I did not want to COPY)
Error Code: 62:318] Description: Failed to Copy or verify Chunk 540205] in media 052BGTL4], Storage Policy bas_retention_4weeks], Copy bas_retention_4weeks], Host srv-bck], Path \\.\Tape2], File Number 58], Backup Jobs 176083]. No more data is on the tape. No more data is on the tape. Source: srv-bck, Process: CVJobReplicatorODS Error occurred in Library yIBM 3573-TL 1], Drive Name eIBM ULT3580-TD4_1], Barcode e052BGTL4], Path h\\.\Tape2] ]The end of data marker was reached during an operation.]. For more help, please call your vendor's support hotline. Source: srv-bck, Process: CVJobReplicatorODS
But when Job was running, this error ocurred, but Jobs continued, until Job was 98%, and now process is not Running then Pending.
Best regards, Elizabeta
In the Event Viewer I see now “Auxiliary Copy operation has failed” There is no Job anymore…
Best regards, Elizabeta
Are you trying to do a recopy of the tapes used in the aux copy or from the Priamry? You need to recopy the media for the Primary.
If you have no jobs copied at this point, you may be better off recreating the Aux copy and starting over.
If it hits 98%, don’t delete anything, share the errors here.
I have recreated Aux copy, then “Run Aux copy”, the process Job was running until 98% ???
In the Event viewer I see “Error occurred while processing chunk c540205] in media m052BGTL4], at the time of error in library bIBM 3573-TL 1], for storage policy obas_retention_4weeks] copy Copy-2] MediaAgent Asrv-bck]: Backup Job u176083]. No more data is on the tape.” “Auxiliary Copy operation has failed.”
I just want to copy only the tapes from the two slots and I have selected backup period
But, the error exist for the tape 052BGTL4 … I don’t want to copy this tape (on this tape backup period is 23.10.2020 and 24.10.2020. How can I get around that tape?? I want to copy only tape (backup period is 30.12.2019 to 17.10.2020.) and tape (backup period is 24.10.2020. to 30.11.2020.)
Best regards, Elizabeta
Just one information,
The tape reported by the error 052BGTL4 been declared Bad in the Tape library.
Is there a way for the commvault to declare it Bad, not to take it when copying?
BR, Elizabeta
Can I do just on this problematic media, right-click that media and Options, Prevent copy?