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I’m using subclient ID to add a VM to a subclient.  I can’t find and example for this.  Does this json template from here actually work?

I keep getting 400 Bad Request

{    "newName": "",    "subClientProperties": {        "vmContent": {        },        "vsaSubclientProp": {            "useChangedTrackingOnVM": ,            "quiesceGuestFileSystemAndApplications": ,            "datastoreFreespaceCheck": ,            "datastoreFreespaceRequired": ,            "collectFileDetailsForSnap": ,            "collectFileDetails":         }    },    "association": {        "entity": t{            "clientName": "",            "subclientName": "",            "backupsetName": "",            "instanceName": "",            "appName": "Virtual Server"        }]    }}

On bad request, you may find additional info in webserver.log when you execute the REST request as to why you are getting error 400.


400 error which means there is something wrong with the body information. You can use the below JSON body and try adding the VM to the Subclient.


    "subClientProperties": {
        "subClientEntity": {
            "clientName": "",
            "appName": "Virtual Server",
            "backupsetName": "XXXX",
            "subclientName": "test-3"
        "vmContentOperationType": "ADD",
        "vmContent": {
            "children": "
        "equalsOrNotEquals": true,
        "displayName": "XXXX",
        "allOrAnyChildren": true,
        "description": "",
        "type": "VM",
        "path": "XXXX",
        "name": "XXXXXX"
        "commonProperties": {
            "storageDevice": {
                "dataBackupStoragePolicy": {
                    "storagePolicyName": "XXXXX"


Also you can follow DOC page and look for the sample request and reponse.

Navneet Singh, thankyou this really helped, its working now
