New Search Engine - Advanced Parameters

  • 16 August 2022
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Userlevel 7
Badge +23

You may recall seeing @Damian Andre writing about our new, improved Search Experience:


To continue that conversation, I wanted to share some parameters you can use to enhance your search-fu 🤓

one of our own greats, @Mathew Ericson asked me how to search for the word stateless, but without Kubernetes.  That’s absolutely possible, along with a bunch of other cool examples.

Take a look, give them a try, and let me know if you have any feedback!

- (Minus, Hyphen, or Dash Character)

The item must not contain the exact term preceded by the - prefix and a space. The exclusion prefix (-) is equivalent to using NOT before a term (see Boolean Operators and Using Special Characters in Queries).

Applies to string content.

report -technical

Finds items that contain report but don’t contain technical.

@field=( , ) (Parentheses and Comma With Field Queries)

The field must contain at least one of the values isolated by parentheses and separated by commas.

This is equivalent to using the OR operator between terms (see Boolean Operators and Using Special Characters in Queries).

Applies to string and date content.

  • @language=(english, french, spanish)

    Is the same as:

    @language=english OR @language=french OR @language=spanish

  • @title=("one exact phrase","another exacter phrase")

    Is the same as:

    @title="one exact phrase" OR @title="another exacter phrase"

$ (Dollar Character)

The dollar character invokes a query extension. The term immediately following the dollar sign character is interpreted as a query extension name (see Query Extension Language and Using Special Characters in Queries). The invoked query extension is applied to the search results.

report $sort(criteria: 'datedescending') Finds items that contain report, and sorts them by date in descending order.

The term immediately following the dollar sign character is interpreted as a query pipeline language (QPL) object (see QPL Objects). For some QPL objects, the search API replaces the $ expression with the corresponding query parameter value, and then sends it to the index. This returns results that contain the query parameter value.

$language Returns results for en when language query parameter value is en.

However, QPL objects such as deviceos and browser don’t have a matching query parameter and may be associated to many user-agent values for a single Coveo user. Using a $joinValues expression makes one string out of the many values returned by such QPL objects.

$joinValues(values: $device) Returns results for desktoppc and windows to a Windows user.

  • Query extensions and QPL objects are typically used by advanced administrators and developers.

  • If the character string following the dollar sign isn’t a valid query extension name or a valid QPL object name, the query returns the following error message: “Something went wrong. If the problem persists contact the administrator.”

( ) (Parentheses Grouping With Operators)

The item must contain the keywords and respect the filter built using parentheses to group keywords with operators. Parenthesis are useful to ensure that the desired results when using many Boolean operators in a query (see Priority of Boolean Operators and Using Special Characters in Queries).

Liz (project NEAR:5 presentation) Finds items containing the three keywords but where keywords project and presentation are no more than five terms apart.

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