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Hi All,

What can be the best practice for Implementation/Deployment of commvault tool?

Hello @Hrishikesh_Kolhe , welcome and thanks for the post!

Your question is pretty broad in scope since the Commvault tool comprises the Commserve, the Media Agents, Clients, and a lot more.

If you check our docs, thanks to our super amazing new search engine, you can search for Best Practices and get a ton of results:

This should cover pretty much every aspect of the deployment.

If you have any specific questions, let us know!


i think personally it depends on your needs and also on the size of the environment which you want to backup!

Hope this helps !

@Hrishikesh_Kolhe it's fairly easy these days to set it up, however it depends on the size, complexity and requirements of you environment on how to set it up. So if you are unexperienced than I would recommend to speak to someone who has more experience. 
