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We have a Media agent MA1 (Physical Server) located at Site A with disk libarary still having jobs under retention till next one year. However, siteA is now decomissioned. We would like to rebuild MA1  and use storage at another site SiteB, but would like retain jobs which are still under retention.  Doing a backup job of CV_magnetic files to another disk library a good option


What would be a best approach

@ameersyed I would provision another MA on site B which uses the storage in that site. configure the related storage policy with an additional copy configured with the same retention and performance an auxcopy to copy over all the jobs in retention. 

@ameersyed when you say Site A and Site B, are you referring to separate CommCells, or just physical locations within the same CommCell?

Need to know how MA1 actually exists now and how you plan to repurpose it before we can suggest.


@Mike Struening  It’s on the same commcell, just a different location.  The location itself is decomissioned now and the MA1 is in powered off state.  We would like to reuse this MA1 storage at another location, but would like to retain jobs which are still under retention. 

What kind of storage do you have located the disk library? local disks on the Media Agent?

It seems to me the easiest way is to move the Media Server and its storage to the site B. Make the DNS changes for the storage array and Media Agent, change IP’s on the server operating system and you will have your Media agent MA1 up and running and accesing to its disk library.

@Ledoesp Media agent running on windows server, with local storage on HDD.    Can we change DNS, IP and OS, without loosing backup data (C drive is OS and E drive has backup data (CV_magnetic)). We want to retain backup data.

DNS and IP changes is quite straight forward. You mention also to change OS, will you install a newer Windows server? if that is the case, you have the option to upgrade directly the OS or perform a fresh install. In case of fresh install, you need to be careful not to touch the E drive. You can always have a copy of the CV_Magnetic, Index Cache and DDB if you have spare space in another server or filer. Then perform Media Agent install and copy back whathever was located in C drive (Index Cache probably) with services stopped, assuming E drive content is OK; once done start the services and done!



@Onno van den Berg  I have setup another media agent at Site B, configured seperate disk library, storage pool and DDB.  Created a secondary copy on storage policy that was used at site A ( storage policy primary copy jobs to be retained) and ran an aux copy.  It’s running now and should complete it another 1 day. 

Once aux job completed. I guess I don’t need the storage (site A media agent) which is already copied to Site B media agent storage. So that I delete the storage and repurpose it.  


Will my new media agent at site B have index in case any restore needed?


Nice! Yes, that should indeed be the case. For the index question see the documentation