
Netapp SM-BC support with intellsinap

  • 25 April 2023
  • 8 replies

Badge +1

Hi all,

we are implementing a new netapp infrastructure. This infrastructure will be composed by 2 clusters with SM-BC -- Snapmirror Business Continuity

We will use it to present luns on vmware

I don’t find any information about the compatibility with intellisnap.

Any Idea ?

Thanks a lot

8 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Good afternoon.   For clarity, is this an active-active configuration and do the nodes share the same hostname?

Badge +1


it’s 2 different clusters with 1 dedicated hostname per cluster


Userlevel 4
Badge +8

Hi @arnaud 

Since this is using SM, I believe you would be protecting only primary side.

The configuration would differ if you would like to NAS IntelliSnap(Backing up NetApp volumes), VM IntelliSnap(DataStores/VM’s) or App-Aware IntelliSnap(VM Applications).

Badge +1


yes, in case of failover on the second cluster, i can’t reuse the same relationship

i have to recreate a new one with the new path

then to summarize, i will be able to use intellisnap on the primary side but in case of failure, i have to recreate a new subclient


Userlevel 4
Badge +8

For protecting NAS volumes, ONTAP and CV version compatibility should be enough.

Badge +1

ok thanks

Badge +1

are there any plans to implement native smbc support?

Userlevel 2
Badge +7

Not supported as of now @UCNAndreas 

