Hey Onno,
It wont ‘convert’ an existing client to V2 but will clone all the configuration so you don't have to manually recreate the subclients, content, settings etc. It can’t migrate the old jobs over so you will get a new full backup and let the old jobs meeting retention under the old client.
@Damian Andre Thanks for the clarification!
Hi guys,
Many thanks for your all your answers.
Hey Onno,
It wont ‘convert’ an existing client to V2 but will clone all the configuration so you don't have to manually recreate the subclients, content, settings etc. It can’t migrate the old jobs over so you will get a new full backup and let the old jobs meeting retention under the old client.
@Kamil W I have heard rumours that indexv2 for hyper-v is targeted for the next feature release so you will have to wait for that one to become available.
@MichaelCapon I noticed following workflow to be present in the cloud store https://cloud.commvault.com/webconsole/downloadcenter/dcReadme.do?packageId=20274&platformId=1&status=0&downloadType=Script
Based on its description I would say it can actually migrate the index related to VSA from v1 to v2.
Hey @Kamil W , check out this other thread:
Same topic answered here.
Hey Kamil,
Can you confirm the requirement for V2 VSA? - I'd suggest to review the following link: https://documentation.commvault.com/11.23/essential/136035_should_i_transition_to_vm_centric_hypervisors.html
Documentation states Hyper-V is not yet supported by V2 VSA: https://documentation.commvault.com/11.23/essential/135902_hypervisor_support_for_indexing_version_2.html
For the Virtual Server Agent (VMware), Indexing Version 2 is enabled by default only when you create a new virtualization client for a new Commvault deployment with Service Pack 14 or a more recent service pack.
Upgrading the Virtual Server Agent to Indexing Version 2 for existing jobs is not supported.
To move to V2 Indexing for an existing VMware Instance you'd need to:
1. Create New Client
2. Upgrade the new client to V2 (If necessary)
3. If you need to copy the config over, Run the "Clone Client DataSet" Workflow: https://documentation.commvault.com/commvault/v11/article?p=110180.htm
Note: The workflow does not copy schedules from the existing client. Create new schedules for the new client.
Best Regards,