I apologize ahead of time for how this may come off.
Please do not get it from, I love this Forum and I do appreciate the hard work it takes to build and maintain this forum.
that said:
This is obnoxious:

I understand that one of the problems with forums is that people are likely to ask questions that have already been answered but there are 4 problems with this specific solution.
- IT DOESN’T WORK - This speaks to a larger related problem specifically searching the support site, namely that if I search for something using the exact keywords, not only will it not find it, it will find things completely, totally, and comically unrelated. The heading that says it will provide related topics provides 8 suggestions that could not possibly be more unrelated.
- When you are typing on a smaller screen it takes up 80% of the screen while you are trying to type, in other words I have less space to type what I am looking for help with than is dedicated to a search that is suggesting something that has absolutely nothing to do with what you are typing. It’s like that person you know that always interrupts you to complete your sentence but get it completely wrong. I react exactly the same way in both circumstances; if this isn’t really important I walk away.
- It’s not time relevant… Commvault software changes over time. That is to say that an answer that was correct 6 months ago, may not be correct now. Referring people to older conversations may be useful or it may be destructive.
- Is related to 3, it is important for the same questions to be asked again and again. As the product changes and as technology changes in order for new people to come up to speed and older people to stay fresh there should be ongoing interaction, older posts should probably be aged out and marked as read only and reference only.
I had to get that off my chest. I would say that more often than not I cancel creating topics when this search thingy overrides the window. I cannot be the only one.
This strikes me as a good idea implemented based on a bad premise.
Meaning if the search worked well or even passingly this would be killer feature.
But the fact that search doesn’t work makes it irredeemable.
Think about example number 2, a friend that can accurately complete your sentences is a gift from God, but a friend that interrupts to incorrectly guess your next sentence makes you want to dropkick them down a flight of steps.
As Always I am not talented enough to accomplish the changes that I am suggesting but I think it’s important that those people building these solutions understand how well they are working with the users.