
creating SP_GDSP as a global non-deduplication policy using worklow

  • 21 March 2024
  • 1 reply

Badge +3

Creating a Global Non-Deduplication Enabled Storage Policy

Once you create a global non-deduplication policy, you can use it to enable global non-deduplication for any storage policy.

  1. Download the SP_creation.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.
  2. Before running the command, review the Available Parameters for Storage Policy Configuration.
  3. Execute the following command from the software_installation_directory**/Base folder after substituting the parameter values.
  4. qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\sp_copycreation.xml -storagePolicyName 'xxxxx' useGlobalStoragePolicy 1 -useGlobalPolicy/storagePolicyName "xxxxx" -retainArchiverDataForDays xx -retainBackupDataForCycles xx -retainBackupDataForDays xx -copyName 'xxxxx'


For example, to create a global non-deduplication enabled storage policy, with name SP1, that is using SP_GDSP as a global non-deduplication policy, execute following command:


Here it is creating a stroge policy using using SP_GDSP as a global non-deduplication policy  , my requirement is creating SP_GDSP as a global non-deduplication policy.

Not creating a storage policy using SP_GDSP as a global non-deduplication policy.


used below xml file ,










































































































But it creates as below, dudpe engine is listed in non-dedupe storage pool


1 reply

Userlevel 2
Badge +9

Hi @Neeraj ,


You can use the below command create a global non-deduplication policy

# qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\SP_creation.xml -storagePolicyName xxxxx -libraryName xxxxx -mediaAgentName xxxxx -maInfoList/mediaAgent/mediaAgentName xxxxx -path xxxxx  -enableGlobalDeduplication 0 -hostGlobalDedupStore 0 -enableDeduplication 0

ref: Creating Storage Policies Using XML Files (



