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hi Community,


 i’m trying to refresh my MediaAgent by installing a new physical RHEL 8 server.

I followed the procedure described here:

but the job “Move Mount Path” failed with message “Failure Reason:rFile Read error happened on source MediaAgent, this could be due to some other process is accessing the file. Please resume the job after some time.]”

I’m sure to had followed the procedure step-by-step, and i checked if other job was running during the Workflow and was not. But now my doubt is about the process.

The app is created to change only the MediaAgent server and the backend storage could remain the same. Right?


Thanks in advanced




Hi @Alex_G 

Thanks for reaching out, how are the libraries presented to the MediaAgents?

Is it SAN, NAS, DAS? 

I would recommend skipping the Move MountPath if SAN.

Hi @Emils,


 thanks for your reply.

The library is NAS, a flex group volume NetAPP mounted via nfs on both MA.

I suspected something about the possibility to skip the “move” action, and i tried to run again the workflow but there isn’t any possibility to skip the move process




Hi @Alex_G I would recommend raising a support case, as this type of library should not cause an actual move but a configuration update.



