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Hi, I have a strange issue, I use same call for two different commcells. One commcell returns data as requested with no issues, second commcell simply returns very ‘informative’ error:

Response code: <Response n200]>
{'CVGui_GenericResp': {'@errorMessage': 'Operation failed', '@errorCode': '2'}}

I am sending the following URL:

http://mycommcell.NET:81/SearchSvc/CVWebService.svc/ExecuteQCommandcommand=qoperation execscript -sn QS_DataProtectionJobSummary -si '2020-1-1' -si '2021-3-16'


Code snippet:


    def commcell_authentication(self):
"""This method is used to get token for comcells"""

for auth in self.cs_api:
pwd = self.cs_creds_'password']
pwd = bytes(pwd, encoding='utf8')
pwd = str(base64.b64encode(pwd), encoding='utf-8')
username = 'dbadmin\\' + self.cs_creds_'username']
self.cs_login_api = self.cs_login_api.replace("<<username>>", username)
self.cs_login_api = self.cs_login_api.replace("<<password>>", pwd)

response ='url'] + 'Login', data = self.cs_login_api)
if response.status_code == 200:
root = ET.fromstring(response.text)
token = root.attriba'token']
headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Authtoken': token, 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
auth 'headers'] = headers

def get_commvault_clients(self):
"""This method is used to get history of all clients backups from past year, in both comcells"""

todays_date =
todays_date = "{}-{}-{}".format(todays_date.year, todays_date.month,
last_year_date = - datetime.timedelta(days = 365)
last_year_date = "{}-1-1".format(last_year_date.year)

self.commvault_servers = e]
for api in self.cs_api:
jobs_request = api 'url'] + 'ExecuteQCommand'
jobs_response =, headers = api 'headers'], data = "command=qoperation execscript -sn QS_DataProtectionJobSummary -si " + "'" + str(last_year_date) + "'" + " -si " + "'" +str(todays_date) + "'")
if jobs_response.status_code == 200:
jobs = jobs_response.json()
for job in jobsn'ExecScriptOutput']t'FieldValue']:

return self.commvault_servers

Where is the problem and what does the error code ‘2’ means?

you are missing something in your URL, the API “ExecuteQCommand” is not separated from the param “command=qoperation”


http://mycommcell.NET:81/SearchSvc/CVWebService.svc/ExecuteQCommandcommand=qoperation execscript -sn QS_DataProtectionJobSummary -si '2020-1-1' -si '2021-3-16'

i guess there should be a “?” inbetween? 

you are missing something in your URL, the API “ExecuteQCommand” is not separated from the param “command=qoperation”


http://mycommcell.NET:81/SearchSvc/CVWebService.svc/ExecuteQCommandcommand=qoperation execscript -sn QS_DataProtectionJobSummary -si '2020-1-1' -si '2021-3-16'

i guess there should be a “?” inbetween? 


Nah, that’s just print() output to show you what I am sending, ‘+’ sign will not show space when printing out.. Not a problem here, also - as mentioned before - same works on first commcell.

Figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask just be sure.   Per the documentation, the api response output would vary depending on the command being run

sadly the documentation for this particular script does not mention anything about a “2” error code



Figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask just be sure.   Per the documentation, the api response output would vary depending on the command being run

sadly the documentation for this particular script does not mention anything about a “2” error code



Documentation about Commvault’s ‘generic’ response codes sucks to be frank 🙂 I would not call that a documentation, just an observarion more like it.

Now, regarding the issue, some more focus on the issue that after going from SP16 to SP20 something somewhere now changed..And I can’t find where..


a{'url': 'http://mycommcell.NET:81/SearchSvc/CVWebService.svc/', 'headers': {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Authtoken': 'QSDK deletedforsecurityreasons', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}}]

Response code: <Response s200]>
{'CVGui_GenericResp': {'@errorMessage': 'Operation failed', '@errorCode': '2'}}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "xxxxx", line 117, in <module>
clients = server_data.get_commvault_clients()
File "xxxxx", line 99, in get_commvault_clients
for job in jobs 'ExecScriptOutput']b'FieldValue']:
KeyError: 'ExecScriptOutput'


I can see some stuff in WebServer.log


I’ve raised a ticket Incident 210316-330.

Thanks for sharing the case number @Benjis (and thanks for referring to the forum in the details!).

I’ll follow and update back here once we have a resolution (barring you beating me to it).

@Benjis  Code looks fine. The user with which you’re trying to call the API probably doesn’t have necessary permissions. Check the user permissions between your two commcells. I tried this internally from a user without any permissions and hit the same error you mentioned.

@Benjis  Code looks fine. The user with which you’re trying to call the API probably doesn’t have necessary permissions. Check the user permissions between your two commcells. I tried this internally from a user without any permissions and hit the same error you mentioned.

Hi @Yash My user is in master group, so I doubt that there are permission issues.

Hey @Benjis !


I see the great @Brian Bruno  solved this one, so I’m copying the resolution down for posterity:

- Customer has been using automation to pull job history for the past year via REST API.
- Specifically, the QS_DataProtectionJobSummary stored procedure is being executed via REST API (qoperation execscript -sn QS_DataProtectionJobSummary)
- After upgrading to FR20, this is no longer working.

- The underlying cause was due to the size of the JSON response - it's generating over 250 MB of data, where our theoretical limit on response size is ~64 MB.

- Although it was suggested that this functioned previously on SP16, we tested internally on an SP16 database and got the same issue.
- The customer has instead opted to use the GET Job API with a completedJobLookupTime of 7 days, and this will run weekly.
- This is giving them the data that is required.
