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Hi teams,

i want to retrieve the content of this subclient by powershell.


try with “Get-CVSubClient.Content.content” but no way ( )

Help Appreciate


@virgil can you please share some additional information like what have you tried already, are you getting an error, are you suing the latest version of the Powershell SDK? Thanks!

Hi Onno,

i install the latest Powershell SDK from Github

The only infos i can retrieve from subclient are with this command :

Get-CVSubclient -ClientName “NAME” -Name default -AllProperties

In return, it give me a list a properties … → subClientProperties
{@{status=8; useLocalContent=False; useLocalArchivalRules=True; canChangeEncryptionSetting=False; hcSubclientProp=; impersonateUser=; planEntity=; cassandraProps=; splunkProps=; proxyClient=; dcPlanEntity=; subClientEntity=; dfsSubclientProp=; fsSubClientProp=; regio…


I can’t see the ‘Content’ Properties….

is there a way to pick that ?




find the solution

Get-CVSubclient -ClientName ‘Name’ –Name Default -AllProperties | Select @{ Name = 'subClientProperties'; Expression = { $_.subClientProperties.content } }
