we have a customer has commvault archiving solution, with traditional installation as below.
1x cs vm in HQ site
2x windows MA +index in HQ
2x windows MA +index in DR
2x Webservers in HQ
2x Webservers in DR
2x webconsole in HQ
2x webconsole in DR
now customer bought 2x HSX Appliances 1x HQ, 1x DR
what is the best practice to migrate the data and hardware?
im thinking of the below
- deploying the HSX with the existing CS vm
- configure the HSX as MA and index nodes
- dash copy the data to the new HSX
- offload the old MAs +index
- and keep the WSs and WCs as it is
is this approach okay or there is a better approach?
another question, if i’lll copy the data using dashcopy:
- will be any issue recalling/restoring the data after demoting the old MAs?
- will be any issue during outlook addin recalls?