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Hi, I just start a new config on three nodes for HyperScale X.
I was in the cluster creation of the Commander Center and during the creation it fails because one of the nodes (3) was not ready !
I’ve tried to delete the HyperScale X Cluster from the command center, it disappeared OK.
But now when I try to create a new cluster I’m only seeing the node 3 (the one that was not ready in the first creation !)
Is there any command line that I can run to cleanup the fail install on node 1 and 2 ! or it’s going to be faster to re image the two nodes !


Good question, @Marco Lachance !  You always have the puzzling ones :nerd:

To confirm, are you referring to Reference Architecture or the Appliance?  Based on your description, it sounds like the RA:

I’m not finding anything regarding performing a ‘do over’, other than reimaging the whole thing.

I’m going to see if any of my colleagues know better and get them to reply here!


@Mike Struening 

:grinning: Yep, I always have good one :sunglasses:

Yes RA, and that what I thought !

I have and other clusters to do tomorrow at the same customer, 

I will probably reimaging those two nodes, all the Hedvig update was done with the ransomware protection !

I think it’s a safer beat the start clean instead of opening a case to troubleshoot the issued.   :frowning2:


Spoke to our Associate Manager for Hyperscale and he advised starting it over.  Too much risk of instability if you try and resume a bad install.

@Mike Struening  OK thank you,

this is what we have done !

We also start the other Cluster configuration and we face other issues.:disappointed:


A support call is open, waiting for a return.


Never a dull moment!  you want to track that case in here, or should we mark this as answered?

@Mike Struening You could mark this answered !

The issue was because the ransomware protection was configured prior to configure the Storage Pool !

It should be done after !!
