Is it securely possible to have a CV environment for servers, which is not in Active Directory and using one set of Media Agents, to share those Media Agents with another Commserve which IS in AD in order to facilitate backing up of workstations? How hard would this be?
Things I’m wondering about:
- We could just create a new Library on the Media Agent dedicated to workstations. There are actually two MAs, one at each of our locations, but let’s keep this simpler for now.
- How susceptible do we think the server Libraries are to hacking attempts via CV? The only communication between Commserves, workstations and media agents is TCP 8000-8006? Commserves for server backups are segrated from “everybody else” short of a few physical servers and ESX/VMs. If we are hacked on the workstation side (let’s assume someone gets into an admin account and runs ramped), can they harm the server backups in another library on the same media agent?
Thanks for any input and please let me know if I’m not thinking of something else...