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we have new three nodes Hyperscale appliance and want to confiugre IPs for data and storage network, do we have to configured from linux shell or there is GUI interfiace to configured IP very first time 






Hi Jos

Thanks for support 







Hi @Aju,

Routing between the iRMC (aka IPMI) network and Data protection networks is not required. 




One more question do it required that iRMC network and Data protection network should be routed and accessible from each other.



Hi @Aju 

Yes iRMC is what you need 🙂

The name Hyperscale Appliance browser I don't recognize, not sure what this would be referring to.



You mean “Integrated Remote Management Console (iRMC)” inerface of  appliance, it is interface for Harware configuraiton to setup of bios etc. 

Is there any tool called “Hyperscale Applice browser” for configuraiton 





For HyperScale X appliances you can configure the Management Interface (IPMI), connect to that interface, open the console and run hsxsetup

This will start a wizard which will allow you to setup the cluster 🙂

P.s. do not use SSH/Putty to perform this config
