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CommServe DB query


SELECT startdate
FROM CommcellBackupInfo
WHERE jobstatus = 'Failed to Start'
and backuplevel = 'Synthetic Full'
and iDataAgent = 'Virtual Server' 
order by jobid desc ;


I was this list to contain  only the jobs from last 24 hours, how to add the time range in this sql query.



SELECT startdate
FROM CommcellBackupInfo
WHERE jobstatus = 'Failed to Start'
and backuplevel = 'Synthetic Full'
and iDataAgent = 'Virtual Server'
and startdate >= DATEADD(day, -1, GETDATE())
order by jobid desc ;


something like this?


WHEN condition_1 AND condition_2 THEN result_1
ELSE result_2


Honestly I have to try it to be sure.

i want to use a check box to modify a where clause in a workflow.

even if it doesnt work this gives me a good idea what to try next. Thanks @Jos Meijer 

Hi @alligator 

Would this report help you?!/135/660/10390

This will show you how many strikes a client/subclient has, since when this is happening and when the last strike was registered.

Or are you looking for specific information?

Jos, Meier you might know this. 
What’s the simplest way to achieve conditional and statements in a query.

google fails me.

@Jos Meijer Hi is there a way to get the list of repeated failures in a report or query.

I tried to prepare a report in the report builder, but failing to achieve it :(

So i just want a list of client for which backups are failing repeatedly for more than 2 days.
