Thanks for sharing @Damian Andre! Really appreciate this approach to pro-activity reach out to inform customers before upgrading. Speaking of it, customers should preferably still wait until the state of the latest and greatest version changes from Technology Preview to General Availability which is due on August 15.
Hope we can expect this form of pro-activity towards the future!!
Unfortunately, the update to 28.10 for issue #2 didn't work for me. Still getting the alerts.
@joe.f did you also apply the v11SP28_Available_HotFix2107_2108_WinX64\Windowsx64 hotfix?
Ah, reading is fundamental, thought it was one or the other, thank you.
@Jos Meijer I saw this one coming by a couple of days ago where it was reported as well.
@MFasulo can you share an update on your findings?
@Onno van den Berg , do you know if that syslog issue was limited to Linux commserves? I found CMR 362396 regarding the issue, but not much more.
Curious if @MFasulo has anything further.
@Mike Struening I have the issue on a windows based commerve
Then that’s not the one
I’ll defer to @MFasulo
fix is getting coded right now… once its backported to 11.28 ill provide the MR details
@Onno van den Berg , do you know if that syslog issue was limited to Linux commserves? I found CMR 362396 regarding the issue, but not much more.
Curious if @MFasulo has anything further.
Can I delete the contents of the DBUpgrade folder post upgrade? It is still holding the dump files even after 7 days post upgrade.
It might be the case for a temporary period of time. In my case it doesn't contain any data, but we have not performed a feature upgrade recently. So in case this folder by now is still holding a lot of data than I would recommend to up a TR.
@Onno van den Berg is it normal for DBUpgrade folder to occupy around 56 GB space.
My system drive is getting full post upgrade, I have commvault installed there. The DBUpgrade folder under jobresults directory has taken up lot of space.
@Shahzeb Yes, the jobresults folder is used during the upgrade of the database and will be cleaned automatically.
My system drive is getting full post upgrade, I have commvault installed there. The DBUpgrade folder under jobresults directory has taken up lot of space.
@Onno van den Berg , do you know if that syslog issue was limited to Linux commserves? I found CMR 362396 regarding the issue, but not much more.
Curious if @MFasulo has anything further.
@Mike Struening I have the issue on a windows based commerve
To confirm - in the alert, is it stating the reason as “CommServe Job Records to be Deleted” or some other message? For you this may not be a false positive but may have actually caught something. Is the DDB referenced being used actively?
Well, they started after the initial upgrade to 11.28, so I dont think its a coincidence. But yes, pretty much all of our dedupe DB pools are reporting “increase in (CommServe Job Records to be Deleted)”
Got it - I’d open a case in this instance as the fix does not appear to be working in your case. I do see another fix in the works where this could be triggered by sealed, corrupt or DDBs with micro-pruning turned off - but that does not sound like your issue.
you just beat me @MFasulo! thanks for the update. took some time before the coding started while multiple customers reported it already so I assume non of them openend an official ticket for it.
I cant say for sure on customers reporting. The form was created over 2 weeks ago.
you just beat me @MFasulo! thanks for the update. took some time before the coding started while multiple customers reported it already so I assume non of them openend an official ticket for it.
@Damian Andre what about that syslog issue that was reported by several users? can't locate a fix in the recent maintenance releases.
To confirm - in the alert, is it stating the reason as “CommServe Job Records to be Deleted” or some other message? For you this may not be a false positive but may have actually caught something. Is the DDB referenced being used actively?
Well, they started after the initial upgrade to 11.28, so I dont think its a coincidence. But yes, pretty much all of our dedupe DB pools are reporting “increase in (CommServe Job Records to be Deleted)”
To confirm - in the alert, is it stating the reason as “CommServe Job Records to be Deleted” or some other message? For you this may not be a false positive but may have actually caught something. Is the DDB referenced being used actively?
Unfortunately, the update to 28.10 for issue #2 didn't work for me. Still getting the alerts.
@joe.f did you also apply the v11SP28_Available_HotFix2107_2108_WinX64\Windowsx64 hotfix?
Ah, reading is fundamental, thought it was one or the other, thank you.
Just checking in, I still get the alerts even after applying both 28.10 and the Hotfix.
Issue #4 Syslog not receiving data
We have noticed that since 2022E there are issues with usage of Syslog, some platforms receive partial data, some receive none.
Have not found a solution yet.
Unfortunately, the update to 28.10 for issue #2 didn't work for me. Still getting the alerts.
@joe.f did you also apply the v11SP28_Available_HotFix2107_2108_WinX64\Windowsx64 hotfix?
Unfortunately, the update to 28.10 for issue #2 didn't work for me. Still getting the alerts.