Hi all,
I’m trying to follow this process Maintenance Advantage Customer Support Portal - Articles - Article Details (commvault.com) to install the v9 SP10a software on a Win2K SP4 server. in a V11 CommCell. Additional setting bIgnoreCommServeVersion
has been added to the registry of this client and the v9 SP10a DVD mounted on the server.
After running Setup, I get as far as setting the CS and client name and specify comms is through a proxy. Error message is presented as below.

I was able to dig out some logging after manually creating C:\Program Files\Commvault\Simpana. GalaxyInstallerErrors.log returned
1984 1564 04/14 17:44:27 # QInstaller PRECFG ERROR GetFirewallDaemonEntryPoint: Failed to load libCvFwDaemon.dll with Error = 127 (0x0000007F).
Also GalaxyInstallerLog.log returned
1984 1564 04/14 17:44:27 # QInstaller PRECFG GetFirewallDaemonEntryPoint: entrypoint = cvfwd_init_sa90 for function = InitFirewallDaemon90
1984 1564 04/14 17:44:27 # QInstaller PRECFG D:\Win32\libCvFwDaemon.dll
1984 1564 04/14 17:44:27 # QInstaller PRECFG ERROR GetFirewallDaemonEntryPoint: Failed to load libCvFwDaemon.dll with Error = 127 (0x0000007F).
Any ideas how to get around this issue or is this potentially an issue with the DLL on the DVD iso?
Many thanks,