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I’m looking for functionality similar to the old nExpireUpdates key, but built for how things work in v11 -- where the CVMedia folder could be programmatically removed from the clients following successful install (or after X days).

We are an MSP and many of our client machines are very tight on free space.  So I’m looking for a way to prune/expire/delete the CVMedia folder from clients. Is there a way to do this?

I realize the reasons why this folder is kept on the clients - but we do not frequently install service packs/hotfix packs due to change control.  We have some clients where we don’t have enough free space to write job results, so anything we can do to reduce the size of the footprint on clients would certainly help in our environment.  Freeing up just 350MB in /opt would actually make backups work for some of our clients which are failing due to low disk space.

We don’t have access to most of our clients, so looking for a way to do this without logging into clients.

Well I assume you are now referring to environments who use Commvault for endpoint protection. Sure, there are many, but assume the biggest use-case is the protection of datacenter workloads, right? So, in those cases this is not so relevant. 

Will send shortly and ask to upload the Store for everyone.

@Sebastien Merluzzi  -- it seems that this was never uploaded to the Software Store.  I have a need to use this Workflow now, so I logged a case as you suggested:



Any word on when we can expect to see this Workflow added to the Software Store??

@Onno van den Berg 

Ok, so the best is to raise a CMR then and Development will review if this is feasible.

@Sebastien Merluzzi Yes, I know there are alerts in Command Center. I'm referring to how Command Center presents the alerts and events in Command Center. 

@Onno van den Berg ,

We already have Alerts in Command Center for Disk Space Low, Disk space low for Job results directory, Disk space low for software install directory:


But of course if something is missing then you can log a case and submit a CMR and Development will review it.

I have sent an email to the Workflow Development Team asking if that workflow can be added to the Store.

@Sebastien Merluzzi I'm not so much looking for a workflow to clear the CvMedia folder, but more looking for a visualization improvement in Command Center that notifies a user that their clients are running out of space, however this is just an example. I also agree with @RobAbate why nit make it available in the software store. 

Is it not available on

Could it be provided that way?  Seems silly to open a ticket to have an XML file emailed to me. 

Seems like it would be something valuable to a lot of customers which should be made available on the Software Store.

@Onno van den Berg , @RobAbate ,

Development has now given me the Worflow.

Please log a case and give me the case number so I can provide the Workflow.

Best Regards,


I was as most Servers have usually enough space on the Disk in order to install all the other softwares.

I spoke to Development now, they are checking.

Hi @RobAbate ,

This is not an old key, the key should work from versions 9.0 to 11.0.

Is this issue for all Clients or only Linux?

What is the full version you are using?

BeSt Regards,


@Onno van den Berg 

Most people are working from home/remotely and pushing 200-300MB within a limited time is a problem if the machine is disconnected.

So they created that key for other customers who would prefer to delete that folder and push the whole folder again.

Let me ask Development

@Sebastien Merluzzi I know! But, why does it require setting an additional setting. In addition it alerts to the event viewer by default where no one looks into until you have a real issue. B.t.w. you are showing the advanced console and most MSPs deliver Commvault to customers using Command Center, just like Metallic.


Do you mean this as we already have alerts for Low Disk Space.

They just need to be enabled.



We are a MSP as well and I do also encounter this challenge quite often as well. As an alternative I would like to bring up the idea to add more visibility and detection into the product. I would like Commvault to enhance Command Center and bring more visibility into Command Center to ease our day-2 operations. There is so much to improve and to gain for customers by reducing the amount of efforts it takes to use and maintain the product.

So my thinking would be to enhance Command Center as such that the particular client is showing a warning mark in Command Center showing an alert mentioning that the client is low on diskspace and this this is impacting the ability to install new platform release/maintenance releases and/or new agents/functionality. 

@RobAbate ,

I have never used that key, only a few customers used it over 3 years ago now.

I will see if that’s something we can test.

Also make sure that your customers are checking this:

I have not attempted the old nExpireUpdates key as that would only purge the old-style loose updates that were under the updates folder -- unless it has recently been updated to work with Hotfix Packs/CVMedia. 

It was my understanding that this old key would only work for loose updates and wouldn’t work with the new style media.

Do you guys have a lab where this could be attempted to verify?  

I would need to go through some change control to properly test this.


The key should work, is it not working at all, or is it just for Linux?

I am still waiting for the status of that CMR, I will let you know.

Thank you!

While I do understand the design, as an MSP we are not in control of the free disk space on some of our clients.  But we do have a lot of bandwidth available between the CS and clients - so in our case, the disk space on clients is more valuable than the network savings when pushing out updates.  We would actually prefer to re-push the entire media every time.

The other challenge is gaining access to the client machines to free up space, as that takes time and multiple levels of approvals - so having the ability to purge these folders via a registry key or workflow would be valuable as it would save a lot of time and effort.  We are on 11.28.44.

We don’t delete files inside CV media folder and it is by design. 
This is because we do a incremental push during next update job which me means we only push the files which is required. This will allow us to save time and network bandwidth as we are only transferring only required files which will be small in size instead of pushing entire media every time we do an update. 

I will check the status of the CMR/Workflow 296061 and get back to you.

