We are trying to push the Unix package from the Commcell, getting below error. We have verified the Firewall settings were properly configured, SSH is enabled and port 22 is open.
Error Code: c68:151]
Description: Install Software Failed
Source: weazmgtabkp01, Process: DistributeSoftware
179036 4790c 02/15 04:09:50 ### receivePatchFile() - Received file [/tmp//cvInstall.sh], File size z1415], Source Client nweazmgtabkp01], Destination Client nWEAZQADQ1M01]
179036 4790c 02/15 04:09:50 ### receivePatchFile() - Received file [/tmp//cvInstall.xml], File size z5901], Source Client nweazmgtabkp01], Destination Client nWEAZQADQ1M01]
179036 4790c 02/15 04:10:38 ### #CheckForSpace]() - nvAvailableSpace: 11558596
179036 4790c 02/15 04:10:38 ### #LocalSPDataReqHandler]() - Check for required space to install updates successful
179036 4790c 02/15 04:10:39 ### LocalAUJobReqHandler Received CacheOpReq request
179036 4790c 02/15 04:10:39 ### ProcessNewCacheRequest Cache operation request is i<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><UpdatePatches_CacheOpReq nJobId="208" nOpcode="5"><client bsId="18" cachePath="/opt/commvault/commvault/CVMedia/11.0.0/Unix" clientId="15" mangledClientname="WEAZQADQ1M01.johnsonmatthey.com*WEAZQADQ1M01*8400*8402" osType="16" relId="16"><spToBeInstalledOnClient><spVersion Major="32" Minor="0" ReleaseId="16" RevisionID="1191" TransactionId="5494260"/><cumulativeUpdatePackVersion Number="35" TransactionId="0"/></spToBeInstalledOnClient></client><RelList RelId="16"><RelFileList OSId="16"><PkgIds val="1210"/><PkgIds val="1002"/><PkgIds val="1003"/><PkgIds val="1101"/></RelFileList></RelList></UpdatePatches_CacheOpReq>]
179036 4790c 02/15 04:10:39 208 ProcessNewCacheRequest Cache operation type in request is iGetCacheInfoNew]
179036 4790c 02/15 04:10:39 208 ProcessNewGetCacheInfoReq() - Getting cache information for client nWEAZQADQ1M01.johnsonmatthey.com*WEAZQADQ1M01*8400*8402] from [/opt/commvault/commvault/CVMedia/11.0.0/Unix] for the requested release and OS
179036 4790c 02/15 04:10:39 208 0CalculateCheckSumForCacheFiles] Computing file-checksum information for release s11.0.0] os olinux-x8664] cache directory [/opt/commvault/commvault//CVMedia/11.0.0/Unix]
179036 4790c 02/15 04:10:39 208 0CalculateFileCheckSumForOS] Calculating checksum information for V11 binary files from directory [/opt/commvault/commvault//CVMedia/11.0.0/Unix]
179036 4790c 02/15 04:10:40 208 0CalculateFileCksumForDir] Successfully joined all threads for file-checksum in [/opt/commvault/commvault//CVMedia/11.0.0/Unix/linux-x8664]
179036 4790c 02/15 04:10:40 208 0CalculateFileCksumForDir] Successfully joined all threads for file-checksum in [/opt/commvault/commvault//CVMedia/11.0.0/Unix]
179036 4790c 02/15 04:10:40 208 ProcessNewGetCacheInfoReq() - Successfully computed cache information for requested release and os.
179036 4790c 02/15 04:10:41 ### receivePatchFile() - Received file [/opt/commvault/commvault/PushInstall/WEAZQADQ1M01-input.xml], File size z2507], Source Client nweazmgtabkp01], Destination Client nWEAZQADQ1M01]
179036 4790c 02/15 04:10:41 ### LocalAUJobReqHandler Received Request to PerformOperationOnRemoteClient
179036 4790c 02/15 04:10:41 ### #LaunchInstaller]() - Executing /opt/commvault/commvault/CVMedia/11.0.0/Unix/silent_install -p /opt/commvault/commvault/PushInstall/WEAZQADQ1M01-input.xml -jobid 208
179036 4790c 02/15 04:10:41 ### CvProcess::system() - /opt/commvault/commvault/CVMedia/11.0.0/Unix/silent_install -p /opt/commvault/commvault/PushInstall/WEAZQADQ1M01-input.xml -jobid 208
179036 4790c 02/15 04:10:41 ### CvProcess::startViaFork() - Launching "/bin/sh" via fork()
179036 4790c 02/15 04:10:45 ### CvProcess::system() - Command completed with rc=255
179036 4790c 02/15 04:10:45 208 0LaunchInstaller]() -Â
** System returned with i255]
179036 4790c 02/15 04:10:45 208 2LaunchInstaller]() -Â
** System stdout = uUsing update installer /opt/commvault/commvault/.gxsetup/silent_install/newinstall:v1183314
***SETUP_ERROR: |1140850839|
179036 4790c 02/15 04:10:45 208 LaunchInstaller]() -Â
** System stderr = e]
179036 4790c 02/15 04:10:45 208 5fnCvUpdateDBJMStatusNew] Updating Database with evMsgId M1140850839] for  JobId 208], JobType o3],clientName nWEAZQADQ1M01], clientId i15]Â
179036 4790c 02/15 04:10:45 ### :SendDisConnectReq]() - Sending disconnect request.
179036 4790c 02/15 04:10:45 208 :SendDisConnectReq]() - Sending disconnect request.
179036 47e37 02/15 04:15:17 ### LocalAUJobReqHandler Received Request to fetch registry key values from client