I’ve been doing a lot of reading, I’ve seen the threads on here and I’ve read the architecture guide but I am still a little puzzled as to what I actually need to configure.
I would like to apply WORM in the Commcell and object-lock in S3IA.
I believe objects will be aged from the bucket when the DDB seals periodically. This happens at the same period as the policy copy retention
I still don’t quite understand why bucket object retention has to be set to twice the policy copy retention.
I also can’t work out if I need to add a lifecycle config rule and set the non current version expiration to 2 days. I know this needs to be done for none object-locked buckets that don’t have versioning enabled, but an object-locked bucket does.
Does anyone else use worm and ol, what are your configs? Do you see issues where the size that Commvault reports is not the same as the actual bucket size due to objects not expiring?