Someone on my team wanted to try to add a new Tape Library to the environment using Command Center. I had never done this in Command Center before, so I watched the user go through the steps.
We found that it had created the library and the storage pools. But we could not find any way to create barcode patterns or to create another scratch pool from the Command Center.
We are an MSP and this is an essential step in being able to use the library.
We then tried to create the barcode patterns and other scratch pools from the CommCell Console. We created the entities but then found we could not associate it to the pool/plan.
It appears that the option to change the scratch pool is greyed out in this case.
Is it expected that you cannot edit the scratch pool when the library/storage policy/plan is created from the Command Center? Or are we missing something here?
Furthermore I was expecting a much more user-friendly approach to adding tape to the environment. For example, the user had to struggle through clicking the buttons on the page rather than going through a wizard-like flow, where we would be asked necessary info - like barcode patterns, what scratch pool to use, how many cleaning tapes do you have (so that you don’t get alerts that there are no cleaning tapes, etc). Are there plans to make this easier in the Command Center, or are we the only ones left in the world who still have tape libraries to configure? :-)