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Isilon ChangeList API Support

  • 27 February 2024
  • 4 replies

Isilon do we support Isilon ChangeListAPI with Intellisnap?  How about NDMP?  Customer is on FR32.


Im aware of the support for CIFS and NFS streaming.




Hi @Steve B ,


Unfortunately it is not supported. We only have support for CIFS and NFS currently.

ref: Getting Started with the Backups for Dell EMC Isilon/PowerScale Using the Changelist Feature (


You can raise a CCR via Support account manager to get it included.






Appreciate the clarification and the official answer.

For the CIFS and NFS agent IntelliSnap, yes we use ChangeList. ChangeList is used when scanning for backup copy. This faster scanning support for backup copy was added in V11 FR30. We also support using ChangeList while running a streaming backup (as mentioned in the original post :)) - this support was added in V11 FR24.


Isilon NDMP does not need ChangeList. During an NDMP streaming backup or backup copy, the Isilon file server internally does its scan to produce the file list that needs to be backed up. This scan is similar to ChangeList and is fast. There is no option (and no need for an option) to use ChangeList for the NDMP scan.


Thanks, Duncan

Thanks Duncan, I suspected as much but just wanted to confirm.
