The Tape Storage Matrix is getting quite “interesting” over time. I am not sure why there are still references to outdated unsupported OS’s and architectures, but that’s more of an comment than a question. I’m trying to verify whether a drive is on the matrix and not coming up with anything. Under the filter section there’s no windows OS. Hmm. If I search for T50e, Windows 2008R2 is the newest “supported” OS for it? What? Is this to say if I call in a ticket for a newer OS on that autoloader might support tell me “sorry Charlie”? Latest code for that unit is BlueScale12.7.07.03-20180817F, it’s not in the Matrix at all. Not sure how to take this or not. Anyone have a similar situation. Plenty of life left in these units and still fully supported by Spectra. Will LTO-8 work?