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Im having issues with throttling network utilisation for aux copies. I have about 10 Storage Policies all with Secondary copies.

I’ve configured “Throttle Network Bandwidth (MB/HR)” to 25000 for the secondary copy for all storage policy. If my maths is correct that would be approx 50Mbps per aux copy. Even with all 10 running at the same times utilisation shouild only be approx 500Mbps.

However through network montioring i can see when these aux copies are running they are using well over the 50Mbps configured (and saturating the network).

Is my maths wrong is or the throttling configuration not  working how i expect it to work?

Thanks in advance for any responses.

Good morning.  Can you confirm if you have followed this procedure:

Hi @Orazan,

Yes this is the documentation that i followed.


Your math is close enough (I got 55 Mbs, but that’s a rounding error).

What are you seeing actually used?  If you check each Aux Copy, what is the throughput per?

I cant tell exactly how much is being used as it is saturating a 1Gbps link. But at least 1Gbps 😂

From an aux copy throughput (which i know isnt the best way to monitor as with dedupe the figure can appear higher) i am seeing varying figures:







The figures could vary because of the different sizes of the aux copy jobs but from the network side when the aux copy jobs are running i am definitely seeing saturation of a 1Gbps link.

Definitely not adding up if the feature is actually taking effect.

Can you open a sup[port case and share the incident number here?  I want to track its resolution.

Sharing case solution:

Finding Details:

> The Auxiliary copy job is honoring Network Bandwidth throttling of 25000 MBPH.
> However the throughput is higher than 25 GBPH, the reason is we have 3 MA servers available on the source and target end.


> All the 3 MA server's Performance Manager log shows that the job has Network bandwidth throttled to 25 GBPH.
> Please reduce the throttling to 8300 MBPH(from the SP copy configuration) to achieve a collective throughput of 25 GBPH from all 3 MA servers.