Browsing deleted file out of Guest File Folder option of VM backup
Hi Gurus,
One of my customer got a restore request of a folder which accidently deleted from a vm 3-4 days back.(We are having weekly full & daily incremental backup of the vm using intellisnap.)
Surprisingly when he browsing the file with Latest or Date range option, he don’t see the folder under browse result, but when he browses from backup history (incr or last full job) he do see the folder there.
Ideally, he should see the file while browsing with Lastest or Date Range option also. Am I right?
Also, I don’t see any option like “show deleted files..” which we have in Endpoint solutions.
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Hi @Anuj
This seems like expected behaviour to me.
Browsing latest backup data where backups were performed after the file deletes, would not show the deleted files for restore - you would need to browse back to a point in time where the files existed in backup data.
We may be able to understand more if you could describe the environment, versions, the hypervisor and whether this is V1 or V2 indexing.
Hi Stuart,
thanks for you explanation.
Its a HyperV environment which we are backing using intellisnap.
CV version: 11.20
indexing: v1
May be you are right that its a expected behavior, but not sure how to convince customer that he can see deleted file for Endpoint users but not for HyperV full vm backup.
But, I am not getting it even if I select a date range (for ex: 20/10/21 to 28/10/21). But if a “Browse & Restore” a job completed on 25th Oct, then I am able to see the file/folder. There is something not right.
Just wanted to ensure if there is any fix or option to see deleted files from browsing.
hi @Anuj
You’ve mentioned you select a date range and see nothing. But from where are you trying this ?
The VM subclient ?
Same question for the ‘Browse and restore’ of the job.
So far, I understood that you perform a VSA backup of a HyperV VM, and for you have selected ‘Virtual server agent Snap’ from Intellisnap tab of the VM subclient, correct ?
Hi Laurent,
All vm can be seen under client computer, so we tried browsing for restore from the vm (in Grey) under client computer. We also checked by listing the job history of that vm first and the browse for latest and the little older job.
I do understand that the browsing through the job history should not show the deleted items. But when we search from the vm level (under client computer) with date range the it should list the files/folder those deleted during that date range.
Well, thanks for the bit of information provided.
Now I understand you’re using the Java Console, have selected to show virtual machines in your Console / User Preferences / ClientComputerFilter tab.
Then you see the target VM name in grey, and from there you browse and restore.
What I’m not sure to understand, is that you mention you’re able to see deleted files in some other way from somewhere else ?
From just a VSA backup, that performs a backup of the VM files from a hypervisor point of view (and not of its content), this would not be possible to see the deleted files inside that VM.
If you would perform a File-level backup of the content of that same VM (instead of the VSA, or aside from the VSA), you would be able to use that option.
Hi Laurent,
You got everything right! :-)
Answering your query:
“What I’m not sure to understand, is that you mention you’re able to see deleted files in some other way from somewhere else ? “
We are only able to see deleted file when to go to respective vm Job History and then go for “Browse and Restore” a job which completed before deletion date.
What customer basically concerned about that he should be able to see the deleted file when he go to “Browse and Restore” from backupset level and selection date range. In our case a date range and a Latest Backup options showing same result.
Ideally a Date Range should show a file backed up during the date but deleted before latest backup.
I hope I explained it right..
Hi @Anuj ,
OK, maybe I see the source of confusion.
There’s an advanced option on a file-level backup/restore that allows you to show deleted items :
File-level browse and restore advanced options
And as an example, you would see the ‘Deleted files’ objects like this :
Deleted_File objects from FS backups
This option is not present in the Browse and Restore / guest folders restore from VSA backup :
VSA browse and restore advanced options
Of course, if you browse the VM’s history, and select the one date before the file was deleted, the backup content shows the file that would have been later deleted.
But what you say is that you would expect to be able, from a VSA backup, and selecting a date range, to be able to have this ‘Show deleted items’ for a guest file restore, just as it possible for a file-level browse ?
Hi Laurent,
You got it absolutely correct.
Our simple expectation is that, if I am selecting a Date Range while browsing to restore a file/folder. I should see the file those been backed up and later deleted during same date range.
for ex: while running a VSA backup, 20/10 to 24/10 jobs backing up file ‘A’, On 25th file ‘A’ deleted. 26th job do not have it.
so if I browse for file A on 27th, having a date range 18th to 27, I should see that file!
If that doesn’t works with VSA, then what is the use of having date range option while browsing?
And, lets say if the user don’t know the deletion date, it would a nightmare for admin to keep searching jobs under the history one after other.
From a VSA backup, yes it would be a nightmare. I do not know how to address this, outside of having a FS backup inside the VM to allow such operation.
This is where the File-level backup fits best this need.
File level restore from a VSA backup is only a feature that allows Commvault to be able to read (traverse) the filesystem of the VM that was backup.
Basically, the backup is performed at the hypervisor level, so the real thing that’s backup are the VHD/VHDX (or vmdk for vmware) files, and Commvault is able post-backup to read inside those files and see what’s inside. So what’s known when you browse and restore from a VM backup is those files, and not really the content of them.
Maybe some people in the community have suggestions to address this point ?
Our simple expectation is that, if I am selecting a Date Range while browsing to restore a file/folder. I should see the file those been backed up and later deleted during same date range.
for ex: while running a VSA backup, 20/10 to 24/10 jobs backing up file ‘A’, On 25th file ‘A’ deleted. 26th job do not have it.
so if I browse for file A on 27th, having a date range 18th to 27, I should see that file!
If that doesn’t works with VSA, then what is the use of having date range option while browsing?
And, lets say if the user don’t know the deletion date, it would a nightmare for admin to keep searching jobs under the history one after other.
I got into the exact situation when the user didn’t know when deleted the file. I tried to use backup history with the date range for VSA backup, and it returns nothing. I even opened a ticket with support. It’s by design. It’s a nightmare to browse daily backups for the last 2-4 weeks.
But, maybe it’s possible to review and add such functionality for VSA backups with enabled “Subclient Properties → Backup Options → Collect File Details.” For me, this checkbox means, CommVault has the list of files. Is there a way to create a vote for such a Change Modification Request?
Hi @AdminPI , you can absolutely request a CMR! I can go direct to our devs to see if they will accept a CMR, and submit it for you.
What I generally ask for is a write up from you on EXACTLY what you are looking for and WHY,
When I have both of those items, detailed well, I find it’s more likely to get a CMR accepted.
You can reply here with the above and I’ll take it from there!
First, thanks everyone for your participation and contribution on this issue. @Mike Struening , please find CMR draft below. However I believe you can do some correction or re-phrase if something not appropriate.
I have been question about it from few customer, and I am sure there would be many across globe have experienced this sometime.
CV: 11.20
Virtualizaiton: HyperV (2016)
vm backup method: Intellisnap
What we are looking for:
When an admin browse to restore a file from a specific vm those backed up with vsa (intellisnap), customer expecting that the file should be listed if they choose Data Range (Not Latest) while browsing for Restore.
For Ex: while running a VSA backup, Lets say file ‘A’ from vm deleted on 25/10. Backup ran on 26/10 do not have file ‘A’. So, if I browse to restore file A on 27th, having a date range 20th to 27th, ideally I should be able to see files those backed up during the date range but been deleted before the last successful backup.
We do have this feature with File System streaming backup and Endpoint backup. There we can select a Date range and check option to show deleted files. Customer looking similar option/feature with vsa backup as well.
Why we are looking for this change:
Absence of this option/feature sometime caused an immense overhead to admin when some user ask for file/folder restore and he don’t know the tentative date when the item got deleted (this could be a month before, or may be two). I have seen user browsing through the jobs under “Backup History” and browsing to find the file/folder for hours to find the last & latest version of file.
If user browsing for restore with Date Range doesn’t have an option to list the deleted files during the window, then Date Range & Latest options output are same for the user. So, I think, in that way, Date Range option loosing its significance in case of vsa.
CMR request sent in for approval. If they accept, I’ll create it in your name.
I’ll keep you posted!
Thanks a lot Mike..
Just want to point out that the product has transitioned into leveraging Live Browse over the collection of file level information during the backup. This means that index collection based designs may not be accepted for consideration.
However, I’ve seen this type of request in the past and it is commonly satisfied by implementing the File Level Indexing for VMs feature, as it supports the ability to browse & restore deleted files from VMs.
Hi @wgrande
Well, I have tried to use this feature, and alas it has generated a problem on my side.
My MA is a linux, and I use a Windows proxy to be able to perform file-level restores from the (VMWare) VSA backups.
I have changed the setting of one of my windows VM subclient to use File indexing, so my linux MA has been submitted an install software job to deploy indexing components, successfully.
Then the time of the backup of this VM came during the night, and as it’s a windows VM, it’s setup to use the Windows VSA Proxy VM. Then my windows VSA proxy VM gets an install software job, that never succeeds, and as it fails CS initiates another install software job, that fails, and so on….
Reviewing the logs, it fails to deploy IISServerRoles2012…
4316 4 11/19 09:40:03 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : InstallProgressForPrerequisitesViewModel ....... 4316 4 11/19 09:40:03 ### ### ### - Removing VCRedist_2017_win32 as it is not applicable for this OS. 4316 1 11/19 09:40:03 ### ### ### - Checking if required third-party packages are installed... 4316 1 11/19 09:40:03 ### ### ### - Installing required third-party packages... 4316 1 11/19 09:40:03 ### ### ### - Timeout period 60 mins for package: IISServerRoles2012. 4316 1 11/19 09:40:03 ### ### ### - Started install/update of package: IISServerRoles2012... 4316 1 11/19 09:40:38 ### ### ### - Error: Failed to install IISServerRoles2012(IISServerRoles2012) with error code 0x80073701. 4316 1 11/19 09:40:38 ### ### ### - Set application exit code= Failed]
My VSA proxy VM is running W2019, so I guess that’s normal it fails to deploy obsolete features on a recent OS.
It’s friday and I don’t want to raise a case to support for this, yet.
So maybe next week, if noone’s got a helpful feedback to assist me
@wgrande is a brilliant fellow. If he can’t help, a support case is definitely a good avenue (though I’ll keep an eye to see what he can provide)!
The software will look to install the Virtual Server Agent on the Media Agent, so a one-time software push is expected.
However, within FR11.20, we saw a change to the DotNetCoreHosting calls the software was making during an install. There was a range of maintenance releases on FR11.20 that had an issue that looks to be resolved in the last packages released for FR11.20.
If you don’t have (I believe) 11.20.77 held within your Software Cache, I would suggest downloading it and reattempting to have the software push the installation (or you can manually install the VSA component on the server with it)
Hi and thanks for the feedback.
I forgot to mention I’m running 11FR21HP58.
@Laurent - I’ve seen Windows incorrectly report enabling the IIS role before as failed but its actually pending a reboot… I could recommend a reboot and reattempting the installation process, but if that doesn’t work we should look to perform a more in-depth log review with a support case.
Thanks for your feedback @wgrande . As it’s a w2019 server, should I myself enable the IIS role on this server, then reboot, and then retry the CV install (which was initially a push install from the CS to deploy indexing components) ?
Or just have a reboot of the server first and try to see if that works after (tried it several times before suspending the install job, to gain back control on this server which is a Prod VSA proxy) ?
On wednesday I’ll be at the office and would log a case, then.
I would suggest enabling the IIS role and rebooting the server… From there, you can retry the CV install ..
@Anuj , following up to see if what @wgrande has shared is helpful. He caught me before my CMR request went out with this feature.
@Laurent , were you able to get this working as per Walter’s feedback?
Hi @Mike Struening
Well, unfortunately not.
I disabled the option from the webconsole on this server, and dropped the idea for a moment.
I have caught the same IISserverRoles2012 setup issue while I’m trying to perform the upgrade of my CommserveDR…
Don’t hesitate to cut my posts to a new one if needed…
Here’s my installation summary on the 2nd instance of my CommserveDR:
Then quickly
Install.log throws this :
10296 7 12/09 14:51:51 ### ### ### - Successfully stopped application pool ConsolesAppDotNetCore. 10296 4 12/09 14:51:58 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : InstallProgressForPrerequisitesViewModel ....... 10296 4 12/09 14:51:58 ### ### ### - Removing VCRedist_2017_win32 as it is not applicable for this OS. 10296 1 12/09 14:51:58 ### ### ### - Checking if required third-party packages are installed... 10296 1 12/09 14:51:58 ### ### ### - Installing required third-party packages... 10296 1 12/09 14:51:58 ### ### ### - Timeout period 60 mins for package: IISServerRoles2012. 10296 1 12/09 14:51:58 ### ### ### - Started install/update of package: IISServerRoles2012... 10296 1 12/09 14:52:00 ### ### ### - Error: Failed to install IISServerRoles2012(IISServerRoles2012) with error code 0x80070642. 10296 1 12/09 14:52:00 ### ### ### - Set application exit code= Failed] 10296 1 12/09 14:52:00 ### ### ### - Apply prerequisites completed ... Status = -2147023294 10296 1 12/09 14:52:00 ### ### ### - Error: Installation failed. Please check the logs at aC:\CV\Log Files]. 10296 1 12/09 14:52:00 ### ### ### - Set application exit code=:FailedInstallThirdParty] 10296 4 12/09 14:52:00 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : CompletionExitViewModel ....... 10296 4 12/09 14:56:01 ### ### ### - Setup is shutting down with exit code FailedInstallThirdParty ... 10296 4 12/09 14:56:01 ### ### ### - Set application exit code=9FailedInstallThirdParty]
Then I’m stuck, and my CV DR instance remains at FR21 instead of beeing upgraded to FR24.
BUT what’s strange is that the normal instance (the FAILOVER one) has successfully been upgraded… (though it embeds the same components and even more I guess)…
And my server is w2019...
Google through IIS runtimes AND commvault didn’t provide anything except my posts here
Anyone has more than an idea? Through Alexandria ? Or else ?
Hmmm….I had already checked Alexandria and didn’t find much.
Unless @wgrande has any ideas, I’d open a support case (and share the number here).