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Is it possible to install the BoostFS library on a HyperScale X Media Agent, and if so is it supported?

I’m looking to write a additional backup copy to storage outside of the appliance and hope I can do it in a deduplicated manner rather than having to send a full copy to the data domain.  The topic of BoostFS is discussed on, but nothing specific to HyperScale X and BoostFS at


Hey @Skarra !

Thanks for the question.  No, we don't support attaching additional disk libraries to HyperScale Nodes (1.5 or X)

Thank you Mike for the clarification.  I assume that’s a No to all disk library types, PBBA and NAS.

I’ll confirm that to be certain.

Hi Mike - can you provide a confirmation for HyperScale X (appliance or reference architecture) writing to an external PBBA/NAS?  Thanks.

I’ll find out!

Got a reply from the Product Manager himself:

Not directly no. The only external storage we support writing directly to with HS or HSX is Cloud targets (and limited to the same size as the HS/HSX Storage)

Thank you for comfirming.
