So this is deployment 3 of 3 this week. And the first two have gone flawless. Pointed out some notes and documentation errors to the Commvault staff as well. However, this 3rd one is giving me grief. I am receiving a Failed to validate cluster please check the cvmanager.log for details.
Ok, So - Note that all three nodes are green with Checks for status. So those are fine
The logs - this is where it gets weird. I have checked all three nodes /opt/commvault/logs/cvmanager.log - is blank. Theres nothing is there. I even tried to tailf the log file during the install and it just sits . So there is nothign being written to the logs.
Now what? Well i burned like 4 hours trying to solve this so i just blew them away- reimaged all 3 nodes and started over. Here I am- Same things with fresh installs.
I checked NTP and date/time is all gtg as well.
What else should I be checking? Network is all working- I can hit all IP’s and ssh , iscsi etc is GTG.
Ready? Go!