Can I have a 11.20 LTS iso or zip like it was for 11.16 LTS? Just one download and for Windows only? Thank you.

3972 4 05/08 11:03:46 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : LanguageSelectionViewModel .......
3972 4 05/08 11:03:49 ### ### ### - Application Culture is set to en-US
3972 4 05/08 11:03:49 ### ### ### - Dialog:-Language Selection], UserAnswer:eEnglish (United States)].
3972 4 05/08 11:03:49 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : LicenseAgreementViewModel .......
3972 4 05/08 11:03:53 ### ### ### - Dialog:#License Agreement], UserAnswer:tAgreed].
3972 4 05/08 11:03:53 ### ### ### - Warning: Cannot get actaul time from Exception: The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required.
3972 4 05/08 11:03:53 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : InstallTypeViewModel .......
3972 4 05/08 11:03:58 ### ### ### - Dialog:5Choose the Installation type], UserAnswer:aCreate Custom Package].
3972 4 05/08 11:03:58 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : CustomPackageProcessorTypeViewModel .......
3972 4 05/08 11:04:00 ### ### ### - Dialog:1Select Operating System Type], UserAnswer:tWinX64].
3972 4 05/08 11:04:00 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : CustomPackageInstalltypeViewModel .......
3972 4 05/08 11:04:19 ### ### ### - Dialog:0Custom Package Install Type], UserAnswer:mRelease upgrade].
3972 4 05/08 11:04:19 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : PackageOptionViewModel .......
3972 4 05/08 11:04:25 ### ### ### - Dialog:Select Package Option], UserAnswer:iDownload all Packages without MSSQL and 1Touch].
3972 4 05/08 11:04:25 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : CustomPackageDestinationViewModel .......
3972 4 05/08 11:04:29 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : PackageOptionViewModel .......
3972 4 05/08 11:04:44 ### ### ### - Dialog:3Select Package Option], UserAnswer:#Download all Packages with gMSSQL] ].
3972 4 05/08 11:04:44 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : CustomPackageDestinationViewModel .......
3972 4 05/08 11:04:45 ### ### ### - Dialog:
3972 4 05/08 11:04:46 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : CUPackageSelectViewModel .......
3972 4 05/08 11:05:08 ### ### ### - Dialog:lSelect Hotfix Packages], UserAnswer:1Latest Hotfix Pack; Hotfix Pack Name: t20 (25Apr)]].
3972 4 05/08 11:05:08 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : CustomPackageCreateViewModel .......
3972 20 05/08 11:05:08 ### ### ### - Initiating download process...
3972 20 05/08 11:05:08 ### ### ### - Adding Databaseupgrade package as dependency to Commserver. It is required for pureupgrade checks for DB package upgrade\update installation
3972 20 05/08 11:05:08 ### ### ### - Downloading files for WinX64 ...
3972 7 05/08 11:05:08 ### ### ### - Download URL:l], NumberOfDownloadStreams:.3]
3972 20 05/08 16:27:05 ### ### ### - Initiating hot fix download for 3WinX64]...
3972 20 05/08 16:27:06 ### ### ### - Downloading HotfixConfiguration.xml] to
There’s a zip download all the way at the bottom here:
Hi, Mike
The is the main one feature releases and mm releases downloads:
- Electronic Software Distribution
- v11 Software Release Lifecycle
v11 Software, Feature Release and Maintenance Release Downloads
No zip there. Or you can show me a different link. Thank you.
In the link I sent you, I see a zip right here.
I noticed your screenshot says Hitachi, so if you don’t see the below downloads in your view, let me know.
Hi, Mike
I don’t see any zip file/package for version 11 sp 16. Just bootstrapper(s) and hotfix package(s):
“v11 Software, Feature Release and Maintenance Release Downloads”
I have tried the cloud CommVault and ma for the zip file with no success. No CommVault or Hitachi
package. The link/page I have received from you Mike has no zip files there. Over the last years never downloaded zipped files from this page. Just bootstrapper or hotfixes. Not sure what page you see. Thank you for your help.
Here is the direct link for the 11.20 Media Kit (ZIP) - Windows from the link Mike provided:
Download 11.20 Media Kit (ZIP) - Windows
MD5 Sum 713881cddf29599fc5da32bc2072b42e
Download File Size 12.25GB

I hope that helps.
Thank you, Stuart. That’s the package. With ribbon.
Hi, Stuart
Our company is in need for version 11.24 and we need the zip package as was for 11.20. Appreciate your help again. Thank you.
Best regards,
George Smadea
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