Some Background - I’ve worked off and on with Commvault over the past several years and we currently are migrating data from a cloud-vendor back to on prem. The question I have is about a behavior I’ve never noticed before, but is probably from a lack of experience staring this closely at jobs as they run rather than something going wrong. I just want to understand it.
The AUX copy that is currently running has 2 streams remaining. Last Friday 11/22, those two streams showing the following information:
Data to be Copied - 4.06 TB
Data Copied - 263.63 GB
Data to be Copied - 926.14 GB
Data Copied - 221.9 GB
Then this morning I log in to check up on the job and those same streams now show this:
Data to be Copied - 3.43 TB
Data Copied - 575.65 GB
Data to be Copied - 842.33 GB
Data Copied - 298.26 GB
Over the past week as I’ve been monitoring these two streams I’ve noticed these numbers shift in a way that the “Data to be Copied” amount shrinks and the “Data Copied” grows, but the total amounts do not add up to the same amount.
So my question is: Why are those values changing but not consistent in the total value of data?