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Running 11.24.73


I have a new colleague that has been trained in ‘Command Center’, I’m someone with many years experience in ‘Commcell Console’


Is there an equivalent in ‘Command Center’ of the Commcell - Scheduler?

Just being able to see what jobs are due to run and when in the future


I spent a few minutes looking around, couldn’t find anything!


Many thanks



Hi Mark,

No, unfortunately there is no option in Command Center that shows the details of the start time of any planned tasks within the CommCell. This is I think to be seen as an advanced view which requires the CommCell console. 

One thing you can do in case you are still using traditional schedule policies and storage policies is the setting the following additional setting which add a button in the side-bar within Command Center allowing you to see the schedule policies.



We’re continuously working to add all relevant functionalities that are currently missing in Command Center, with schedules and schedule policies being one of them.

In 11.36, below changes are made to make it easier for existing customers that currently use storage policies and schedule policies instead of plans:

  1. Policy to Plan app is updated to create Plan for each storage Policy. It will not try to convert schedule policy and pull that configuration as the RPO in the plan. Schedule policies stay as before.
  2. Schedule policies (Data protection ones only), can be viewed and modified via Manage > Backup Schedules option.
  3. “​​​​​​​Backup Schedules” menu under “Manage” is behind setting “showSchedulePolicies”. If you use Policy to Plan app, the setting is configured automatically. You can view backup schedules in Command Center without running Policy to Plan but must enable the setting manually. Related doc link:

    We're working to add schedules beyond data protection ones to Command Center soon.

That additional setting is worth its weight in gold.



Thank you everyone for your feedback!

This will help me considerably in my communications with my new colleague

Thanks again


Just for reference, as of 11.34 showPolicies is reportedly no longer available.


The showPolicies additional setting is no longer available and the users will not be able to view, add, delete or use any schedule, storage or subclient policies from Command Center. You can convert the storage policies to server plan. Also, the exisiting policies can be accessed from CommCell Console.


should this setting be enabled at CommCell level? I did that but nothing new appeared in the side-pane of the Command Center.

You will have to apply it on the servers running Command Center. 



it is there. I added it to the Commserve host which is the one running Command Center.


May you show me how the button looks, please? Unfortunately still can’t see it :-(

It might be that you need to update the navigation preferences, because you might need to enable the policies section. If configured correctly you should find the Policies section under Manage.


Hi @Ledoesp - Advanced backup options for Media are currently not available in Command Center. There is ongoing discussion to add “Start New Media” and “Mark Media Full on Success” options only. If your requirement is to add more options, can you please raise a support ticket requesting a CMR to be created.

Hi Mark !

I’m running v11.28.44 and still don’t have such view/report. 



Hi @Divya Trivedi,

Will the Advanced backup options be available or is it planned to add them? I am interested in the Media options:


As I said you won't see it and there is no public information…. 

I can not see this additional setting in the commcell

can you send me a kb or something like that ?


@ariel_b yes that could very well be the case as this could very well be a hidden key. Just fill it in as displayed and it should work. 

Hello @Onno van den Berg  ,

I want also  to use this additional settings and I don’t see this option  - show policies in the additional settings of  commcell

commserve version : 11.28.102


@Onno van den Berg  - great feature - thanks for this - any other hiden functions like this are knowed ? 

Command Center is the future but it should bring up another functions as well which the cc console have it :)


should this setting be enabled at CommCell level? I did that but nothing new appeared in the side-pane of the Command Center.

You will have to apply it on the servers running Command Center. 



it is there. I added it to the Commserve host which is the one running Command Center.


May you show me how the button looks, please? Unfortunately still can’t see it :-(


should this setting be enabled at CommCell level? I did that but nothing new appeared in the side-pane of the Command Center.

You will have to apply it on the servers running Command Center. 



should this setting be enabled at CommCell level? I did that but nothing new appeared in the side-pane of the Command Center.

@eflores no, this is a hidden setting and just wasn't added and released as a public setting in the settings library. I also think this is the best approach as customers should move to plans. I honestly also encourage Commvault to make this transition for all customers in the near future. Right now you can do it already using a workflow. So the showpolicies option is just there for a temporary period and for customers who still need to migrate to plans. 

@Onno van den Berg is there a way to unhide the setting?

@eflores this is a hidden setting and believe me there are many. many more!

Hi all,


I’m not seeing the “showPolicies” in the Additional Settings in the Commcell Console. I am only seeing the “showPlan” option which I dont believe is what I want. Has it been removed?




Hope it’s not adding too much load/weight on the webconsole server, though 🤣

I’ll let you implement it and will wait for your feedback before adding it on my side 😁

Not sure why you think it will add more load. Just like any other section will it just pull all the information via the API from the CommServe just like any other view.

There was a Schedule Policy Information report which had Schedule Pattern and Next Schedule Time as columns in the report.  But I don’t see the report on Commvault Store anymore.


Hope it’s not adding too much load/weight on the webconsole server, though 🤣

I’ll let you implement it and will wait for your feedback before adding it on my side 😁
