Thank you for posting in this community. I just tested this on my side and did not get any prompt to accept the license. I did notice that you were missing the “/play” parameter in the command as described in our documentation though:
Where authcode is the company authorization code, which is required if you did not enter the installation user's credentials when the package was created. To obtain the authorization code, go to Command Center Companies > Company name > General or CommCell > General.
Additionally I just wanted to make sure you selected the proper setting when originally creating this package. Be sure you selected “Save user answers in the custom package” as shown below:
Please confirm the package was created with this selected and attempt this again with the /play parameter.
Let me know how it goes.
Hi @JBuratti I have created the package by selecting same options like your screenshot but the also the checkbox “ create self extracting executable”.
Sorry I don’t say that I will use ansible as third part product.
after testing,now it is ok
I have used this
Configure the third-party software to run the appropriate installation command.
For Windows custom packages:
If the package is a self-extracting executable file, use the following command:
I just tested this again on my side and I believe this has to do with creating that self extracting .exe as when selecting that option and pointing the new self extracting.exe I now also get the license prompt.
Please create the custom package again this time without creating a self extracting.exe You then need to point the command to the original setup.exe file
Let me know how this goes
Hi @Bloopa
Great to hear you have resolved the issue with documentation: