
Error 91:32 When Trying to Restore a VM

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Userlevel 3
Badge +7

Its NFS. I can recover from our Production system, but the vault copies on our Storage system are failing. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +23

It would be good to know if this was an FC, iSCSI or NFS datastore - my guess is FC - and if so, if you have multiple adapters or WWNs, commvault could be trying to associate the snap with the wrong adapter. You can override it using this setting:


That is a common scenario, but just a guess for now ;)

Badge +2

About this error:

“Error Code: [32:392]
Description: Volume Operation in Progress : [One or more volumes are being processed by other operation. VolumeId [543702]]
Source: CVMA01, Process: CVD

This usually happens when you are trying to restore a volume or virtual machine that is currently executing another operation usually performing backup operation. you should stop any  running operation.   


Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Hi @tsmtmiller 

The “Unable to communicate...” error may be a physical issue with a network firewall blocking traffic on Commvault communications ports, usually 8400-8403, or may be an issue with Network Routes configured on the client(s) or client groups.

Please check if the restore target client is able to reach the MA [CVMA01] on communications ports, you can use  cvping to test connections using specific ports:

cvping -Port 8403

Full usage details for CvPing (Windows):

USAGE: <Addr> [Family] [-BindIP <IP>] [-Port #] [-n #] [-t] [-i #]
Addr - Interface name or IP address
Family - Family type. Values are -UseIPv4, -UseIPv6 or -UseIPAny. Default is -UseIPv4
-BindIP - The ip address to bind to
-Port - Optional port number to connect to. Default is 8400
-n - Number of runs
-t - For running continuously until Ctrl+C is encountered.
-i - Interval in seconds between two consecutive runs. Default is 1 second

Example: cvping Machine.Comp.Com -UseIPv4 -Port 8402 -n 5 -i 2



Userlevel 3
Badge +7

Yes, its an intellisnap backup. I see the backup get mounted into vcenter then nothing happens. I also see:

“Unable to communicate with MediaAgent on host [CVMA01]. Please check the network connectivity between the Client and MediaAgent, and verify this product's Communication Service is running on the MediaAgent.”

Userlevel 2
Badge +3


This looks like restore from snap operation. We will need logs to look into further but my guess some left over operation is causing this issue.

can you please check CVD.log for errors.
