Thank you for your cooperation.
I could see that the Workflow engine package is installed, but it does not list the workflow engine service here.
And I noticed in system requirement for workflow engine is indicating the support OS only for Windows as below,
Kindly reboot the Linux CS once and check if the Workflow engine service is up by any chance. If not, I would advise you to create a support incident with us, so that we can discuss with our Dev team and revert to you accordingly.
Naresh G
commserve and sql server Details
commvault status
--------------------------------- Instance001 ---------------------------------
> General ]
Version = 11.32.13
Media Revision = 1191
CommServe/Gateway Host Name =
CommServe Client Name = kepsvpicom01
Home Directory = /cvlt_App/hds/Base
Log Directory = /var/log/hds1/Log_Files
Core Directory = /cvlt_App/hds
Temp Directory = /cvlt_App/hds/Base/Temp
Platform Type = 7
Cvd Port Number = 8400
Package ]
1002/CVGxBase = File System Core
1020/CVGxCommServe = CommServe
- DB Directory = /cvlt_App/hdsDB
- DR Directory = /cvlt_App/hdsDR
1023/WorkFlowEngine = WorkFlow Engine
1101/CVGxIDA = File System
1118/CVGxGUI = CommCell Console
1135/CVGxWebConsole = Command Center
1158/ManagedService = Managed Service
1173/ContentExtractor = Content Extractor
1174/CVGxWebServer = WebServer
1177/DiagnosticsAndUsageServer = Metrics Server
1301/CVGxMA = MediaAgent
1306/CVGxAnalytics = Index Store
1602/MessageQueue = Message Queue
1604/MongoDB = MongoDB
6 Physical Machine/Cluster Groups ]
Name = kepsvpicom01
- Client Hostname =
- Job Results Directory = /cvlt_App/hdsDB/jobResults
- Index Cache Directory = F:\Program Files\HDS\Backup and Recovery\IndexCache
p Third Party Services ]
MongoDB(1148718) -> 1148996
Tomcat(1148767) -> 1148998
m Commvault Database ]
851/CVGxCommServeDB = Commserve Database
852/CVGxDM2WebServicesDB = DM2 Web Service Database
854/CVGxWorkflowEngineDB = Workflow Engine Database
855/CVGxCVCloudDB = Commvault Cloud Database
856/CVGxCommServeHistoryDB = History Database
857/CVGxResourceMgrDB = Resource Manager Database
859/CVGxCommServeCacheDB = Cache Database
861/CVGxCommserveAppStudioDB = App Studio Database
863/CVGxCVCloudUsageHistoryDB = CVCloud Usage History DB
H Microsoft SQL Server ]
Server Version = 15.0.4280.7
Tool Version =
MS ODBC Version =
commvault list
*** Instance001, ***
| Service | PID | Description |
| MongoDB | 1148718 | Data Protection Suite MongoDB |
| CVODS_scheduledreportingservi | 1379745 | *** Not resident *** |
| ce_kepsvpicom01_1 | | |
| AppMgrSvc | 1148720 | Data Protection Suite Application |
| | | Manager |
| MediaManager | 1148722 | Data Protection Suite Media & Libr |
| | | ary Manager Service |
| QSDK | 1148725 | Data Protection Suite Commands Man |
| | | ager |
| CVDotNetContainer | 1148816 | *** Not resident *** |
| WebServerCore | 1148821 | Data Protection Suite Web Server |
| CvPreview | N/A | Data Protection Suite Content Extr |
| | | actor |
| CvMountd | 1148745 | Data Protection Suite Media Mount |
| | | Manager |
| CvMessageService | N/A | Data Protection Suite Messaging Qu |
| | | eue |
| Tomcat | 1148767 | Data Protection Suite Tomcat |
| cvlaunchd | 1148773 | Data Protection Suite Launch Daemo |
| | | n |
| cvd | 1148779 | Data Protection Suite Communicatio |
| | | ns Service |
| cvfwd | 1148792 | Data Protection Suite FireWall Dae |
| | | mon |
| ClMgrS | 1148799 | Data Protection Suite Client Event |
| | | Manager |
| EvMgrS | 1148804 | Data Protection Suite Server Event |
| | | Manager |
| JobMgr | 1148808 | Data Protection Suite Job Manager |
*** Instance002, ***
| Service | PID | Description |
| cvlaunchd | 1772 | Data Protection Suite Launch Daemon |
| cvd | 1773 | Data Protection Suite Communications Service |
| cvfwd | 1774 | Data Protection Suite FireWall Daemon |
| ClMgrS | 1776 | Data Protection Suite Client Event Manager |
Good day!
There is no such limitations defined for the Linux Commserve.
Could you please let us know if the Workflow engine service is running on the Linux Commserve and is it using a PID as well?
What is the Commserver version and SQL version installed in your environment?
Could you please share the loglines from the WorkflowEngine.log and workflow.log in your environment?
Or kindly upload the cvd.log, Evmgrs.log, WorkflowEngine.log and Workflow.log to this thread.
Naresh G