just upgraded to 11.28.x commcell "Event Viewer" no longer shows bkup jobs completed
we just upgraded to 11.28 maintenance release 63 and I have noticed that the commcell EVENT VIEWER - ALL Events is no longer displaying “program-JobManager” backup jobs like it use to when we were on 11.24.x.
It does list in the event viewer when the DR jobs runs or if there is are fail logins etc but no longer displays the completed backup jobs.
Backup jobs are running successful as I can in the “command center” they have completed successful
Any thoughts on why this is happening. Im still consider myself a rookie commvault user.
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I also just noticed that under the commandcenter I see the following. No server is listed and I get that message “something went wrong… check the logs” not sure what log I need to check
I think this may be as a result of the DB upgrade didnt finish all the way - maybe? I opened a case with support.
Hi bc1410,
we raised a supportticket back in 2020 because we wanted to have the events as well to be seen in eventviewer. As far as I understand they are completely removed and this is the answer of our ticket:
I have checked and can inform you that as per the code that got escalated on the last ticket, there are no event codes that signal the start of a backup job and there are no plans to reintroduce them.
Development have removed them as they cause table bloat with every job triggering information that in the most part isn't useful to anyone.
This does leave us with the fact that documentation is still out of date. Please be rest assured that I have updated development again to tell them to change this and will also message the documentation team.
I'm very sorry but there is nothing else I can do for you here. Development have been very clear previously that they won't be re-introducing these event codes.
Hope this helps?
Support informed me this is no longer offered in 11.28.