
Restore VMware to Azure VM - manually selection of VM generation?

  • 29 March 2023
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +13

Hello Commvault community,

In case of VMware restore as native Azure VM, is there any way to manually select / set the Azure VM generation (V1 or V2)?

I see in Commvault restore wizard, in VM sizes both gen1 & gen2 supported, but Im not sure If Im able to select the generation manually before restore.

Please for your feedback!

4 replies


Hi @Nikos.Kyrm

Can you please check if source VMware VM is UEFI based? Only if it is UEFI, we will automatically create Gen2 VMs on Azure else it will be Gen1 VM.

Hope this helps.



Userlevel 3
Badge +13

Hello @Setareh  and thanks for your reply!

In our 1st test, we proceeded with a VMware VM (BIOS based) and restored as Azure VM gen1.

What about VMware VM with EFI? Is similar to UEFI, so is going to restore it as Azure VM gen2?


Yes, with EFI it will create Gen2 VMs.

Userlevel 3
Badge +13

Yes, with EFI it will create Gen2 VMs.

OK, and I guess there is no way to restore a functional VM somehow to gen1, right?

I tried to restore a Gen2 VMware VM as Azure VM, by selecting a gen1 Size, but job failed with the following error:

Failed    The size specified for virtual machine [VM1] cannot be restored to the storage account.  [Selected VM Size [Standard_D8_v3] does not support Gen 2 VMs]

Thanks again @Setareh 
