This is Stefano, I’m using CommVault since years.
For business needs I have to migrate some of our clients from our existing CommCell to a new one (I already requested and applied the auth code for both).
This use case is partially covered by online documentation, but some of the steps are not really clear to me.
My source environment is the following:
- CS running on a VMware virtual machine;
- Media Agents are physical HPE boxes, and they uses some big HPE MSAs storage;
- a few VMware subclients to be migrated. Some others needs to stay in the source env.
With regards to VMware subclients, to better manage the migration I already moved the subclients in a dedicated Virtual Client, with the result to have:
- subclients that must stay in the source --> VMware vCenter client "A"
- subclients that must be migrated --> VMware vCenter client "B"
As said, Media Agents are physical boxes and one of them does backup for both "A" and "B", toghether with other resources (AD, SQL, File System etc) not interested by this move.
Subclients belonging to vCenter client "A" use a Storage Policy called "SP A". In this Storage Policy I also have a DASH copy going to a remote site, with another physical Media Agent. This DASH copy uses a Global DDB.
Subclients belonging to vCenter client "B" use a Storage Policy called "SP B". In this Storage Policy I also have a DASH copy going to a remote site, with the same MA and Global DDB as the DASH copy on "SP A"
I'm asked to migrate the VMware subclients from vCenter client "B" to a destination CommCell, and to keep Job History and Restore capabilities. Once they are moved, of course I want to enable backup on this new CS.
The existing physical media agent needs to be migrated too.
My question is: since subclients from both vCenter “A” and “B” are using the same MediaAgent and proxy, and having said that this MediaAgent will be migrated to the destination CS too, how can I make sure that backups will run in both CS, for both vCenter, after migration? From my understanding the only way is to create a new MA now and run both vCenters on 2 separate MediaAgent. Is this correct?
Thank you!