Hello Commvault Community,
I would like to understand how the SLA status logic works and possible changes for the days criterion in the Plan.
We noticed that when the SLA Status is set to 30 days, for example, the virtual machines have a "Met" status, but if we change the days criterion to a different one, the SLA Status for each of the virtual machines changes to "Excluded".
Initially, even when returning to the previous setting of 30 days, the SLA Status still indicated "Excluded", but we assumed that it must reload and in fact after 24 hours the status changed to "Met".
By way of further tests, we changed the days criterion to 37 days and after 24 hours, the SLA Status for virtual machines is still "Excluded".
I want to understand how the whole mechanism works and according to what rules, because I didn’t find a direct answer to these questions in the Commvault documentation.
Screenshots in the attachment showing the SLA status 24 hours after changing the days criterion.
If we change this parameter to e.g. 29 days or 37 days, does the system have to see the tasks that have been corrected backwards for the X days we indicate - or does it work differently?
Thanks for help,