
Browsing deleted file out of Guest File Folder option of VM backup

  • 2 November 2021
  • 27 replies

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Userlevel 4
Badge +10

I would suggest enabling the IIS role and rebooting the server… From there, you can retry the CV install ..

Userlevel 2
Badge +5

Hi Laurent,

You got everything right! :-) 

Answering your query:

“What I’m not sure to understand, is that you mention you’re able to see deleted files in some other way from somewhere else ? “

We are only able to see deleted file when to go to respective vm Job History and then go for “Browse and Restore” a job which completed before deletion date.


What customer basically concerned about that he should be able to see the deleted file when he go to “Browse and Restore” from backupset level and selection date range. In our case a date range and a Latest Backup options showing same result.

Ideally a Date Range should show a file backed up during the date but deleted before latest backup. 

I hope I explained it right..


