We do automatic rollouts of Active Directory in Azure for our Customers with Ansible.
We want to install the AD iData Agent with the Unattend Package and Custom “install.xml” File.
These we are already doing successful for MA, Proxy and Restore Agent.
If you do Unattend AD Installation in the XML is PW for AD Agent needed. But it is expected a hash, but i cannot find what hash (for the PW) the Installer expect. Normal PW is not working and sha-256 hash of PW is not working, too.
This is the line in XML:
<userAccount password="3820c5c6992b6774aced93ecd88e04e35b4398d99e3f0a7d8" domainName="q1xyz.local" userName="svc-adbackup" />
So it would be important to know with what the setup when you create the package the PW encryptes, because during automatic rollout we get it from our central key Vault during installation.