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how to automate items listed in file browse 

at the moment we have a tapeout process which puts some imoprtant files to tape every month end; when a new file is added; we have to manually verify what files went into the job by manually browsing the items; 

If there a way to run some sort of api/script to get this information on an excel sheet.  Idea is to automate this check; rather than having to check 10 different jobs and see what files are in the tape via browse option; I want to run an api to get the list of files that were in the tape job

Please try this as this should do what you are looking to do.

qlist backupfiles




@Theseeker , essentially you want to query against a Job ID variable and get the actual backed up items within the job?  Quick question, is this Tape job an Aux copy, or is this a Primary backup?

I’ll see what we have for you.
