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For example:

I have a SQL Server, were I want the File system backups to go to policy a, the sql data to policy b, and the sql logs to policy c.

This obviously cannot be done in the QUI, but can it done via rest?





You can send your Windows File System data, SQL database backups and SQL transaction log backups each to different storage policies.  To do this you would assign the storage policy of your choosing under the Windows File System subclients.  For SQL, under the “storage devices” tab of the subclient properties, you have the option to send the database and transaction log backups to different policies.   

I understand that, but what I would like to do is define all of the policies within a plan.

Hi @christopherlecky,

Are you saying there are currently Storage Policies which were created from the Commcell Console which you would like to manage via plans?

If so, this may be the best solution for you. This will allow you to convert the existing storage policies into new plans easily. As you can select the individual policies that you wish to migrate you can modify all SQL policies to a ‘sql’ plan, file system related policies to a plan to manage the File System, etc.!/147/701/17421


If I’m mistaken and that’s not what you’re looking to accomplish, perhaps you can provide a little more context into the current configuration and the end result you are trying to achieve. From there we can determine our next steps and recommendations.

This is not quite it.


essentially a plan can set the primary policy but not the log policy, at least thats the case from the GUI.


What I suspect is that can be done by rest submission and I have some ideas how to do that, but I figured asking is easier than attempting it myself. 

that said I suspect what you posted will generate the output I need and I can probably glean it from the workflow logs. 
i haven’t had time to putz around with this but ill take a shot at it and tell you how it turns out.

Hey @christopherlecky , any further insights on this one?

No because i kind of dropped it in favor of a kludgy workaround. I still intend to attempt it but its not as important as it was when I initially asked.

Gentle follow up.  any chance you had time (or can share the kludgy workaround)?

Gentle follow up.  any chance you had time (or can share the kludgy workaround)?

Honestly it’s really bad, I use a workflow to iterate over the servers I want to set up.

Which means that I have keep auditing to make sure nothing is missed.

I haven’t marked this as closed because I still intend to attempt a custom rest call, the issue is that I don’t have an easy way to test this.

Appreciate the effort and considerations.  I’ll keep an eye out.