Can you check the CustomReportsEngine.log for the exact error. I am thinking that something might have gone wrong when removing some unnecessary fields,
Alternatively you can try un select the columns from the gui and then copy the rest api url. That way you should have a working url.
@Jagadeesh Nuthakki - Thanks for you reply!
I unselect the columns from GUI & copied the api url & try to run that link from POSTMAN Client.
URL :¶meter.Agents%5B%5D=AIX%2520File%2520System¶meter.timeframe=-PT24H%20P0D¶meter.useCSTimeZone=1¶meter.WindowStartTime=00%3A00%3A00¶meter.datasource%5B%5D=commserve%2Ccommserve-emea%2Cjpd91bk201&limit=20
Note - replaced the webserver name & replaced with
but un CustomReportsEngine.log it report below url
4940 129 02/25 02:00:31 : request url [/datasets/2638c3d3-adc7-4b61-bb24-2ba509229bf5:a30bd278-c7d9-470f-9ae9-8b4922743330/data/?offset=0&cacheId=a947b9ec-7a21-44e9-a59a-597120e5b2b5&fields=pJob Status] AS aJobStatus],Count(sJobId]) AS bJobId],Sum(bSize of Application]) AS iSizeofApplication],Sum(iMedia Size]) AS iMediaSize],Sum(iProtected Objects]) AS cProtectedObjects],Sum(cFailed Objects]) AS cFailedObjects],Sum(cFailed Folders]) AS eFailedFolders]&groupby=;Job Status]&orderby=;JobId] Desc&isExport=false&componentName=Summary¶meter.ClientGroupi]=XX-EVREUX-CLIENT-GROUP¶meter.timeframe=-PT24H P0D¶meter.useCSTimeZone=1¶meter.WindowStartTime=00:00:00¶meter.datasourcea]=XXX,XXX&limit=2], user 2tycoelectronics\XXX], method ,get]
@Pradip_Gaya , following up on this one.
Was the advice from @Jagadeesh Nuthakki able to provide what you needed, or were you still in need of more help?
Issue has been solved after adding below key in Header.
Key Value
Accept application/json
Content-Type application/json
Awesome, thanks for sharing!